January 2014 Moms

Swaddling Question

So little man is still sleeping each night in a Halo Sleep Sack with Swaddle. He loves that thing and doesn't even try to roll in it (I have two rolled up receiving blankets on each side of him just in case). He is 6 months old and 21lbs... so he is growing out of the sleep sack quickly. I have read that some babies loved to be swaddled well after 6 months... but with him outgrowing the sleep sack, my days on limited. I have read about the Zipadee Zips and wondered if anyone has any experience with them. He likes having his arms snug against him... which in these they are loose. He loves being swaddled and sleeps through the night. Thoughts?

Here is the website to the ZipadeeZip. https://zipadeezip.com

Re: Swaddling Question

  • My friends swears by the Zipadee Zips. 

    We swaddled until one night my daughter rolled over.  We quit cold turkey.  She wasn't sleeping well anyways. 
  • I seriously thought we'd be swaddling Brennon for at least 9 months, but we gave up cold turkey about 6 weeks ago. I'm not going to lie, the first few nights were rough. But he's back to STTN. My point is that it will happen eventually, no matter what sleep solution you choose. You just can't expect it to happen immediately. (It does happen right away for some, but not all. If you go in prepared for the worst, though, it is easier to manage your expectations.) If he has been STTN, you know that he has the ability to do it. It will come back.
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  • My oldest also loved to be swaddled (even when he was awake!) and I transitioned him to the Magic Sleep Suit when he was about 5 months old because he outgrew the SwaddleMes. Then at around 8ish months I transitioned him to just a regular sleep sack. I wish I had skipped the magic sleep suit and went cold turkey in breaking the swaddle like I did with my DD. It only took her 1 night to master falling asleep without it. Obviously every baby is different but in my experience I wish I had broken the swaddle with DS sooner so I thought I should encourage you to do the same if you can.
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  • I hear good things about the zipadeezip. We went the cold turkey route and it worked well for us. As peanut says, the first few nights are rough, so do it when you can stand to lose a few nights of good sleep. They catch on. Babies are ridiculously adaptable if you give them the chance. 
  • LO still sleeps just like you described: Swaddled with rolled blankets on either side. Except only in 3 hour stretches, yay me! We've been trying to transition out because she really does like being on her side but her crazy arms still wake her up A LOT. The magic suit is a good one to consider. We like it also just find it hard to rock/nurse her back to sleep in it after she wakes up MOTN. But since you don't have that issue then maybe it would be a good option for you. No experience here with the zippy. 

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    Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
    After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
    Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
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  • Oh and if you try the zippy will you message me or tag me in a comment and let me know how your LO did? THANKS!!! :)

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    Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
    After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
    Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
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  • I just put my lo down for a first nap in his zippy! So fing excited! He isn't a good self soother and really needs swaddling but is now a roller verging on army crawler so we had to do something. He's down for the count and I'm thanking the wonderful mamas who mentioned it on here! We were up every hour last night because he keeps trying or succeeding in breaking out of a sleep sack after mastering the breakout from swaddle me's. Fingers crossed that tonight goes better!
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