September 2014 Moms

RLP or something more from running?

I posted this on the Health and Exercise Board too, but I'd like to get any insight from my favorite BMB as well :) 

I'll be 30 weeks on Wednesday and still running somewhat consistently anywhere from 2-4 miles multiple times a week with my belly band (Lord it's amazing!). I also just started some light prenatal yoga as well. I've been getting "sore" in the pelvic/lower abdomen area after runs since about week 19 (ran a mini marathon at 20 weeks), but an evening of rest and lots of fluid typically seems to do the trick. However, I did 3 miles Saturday morning and still feel this "soreness" today. It hurts pretty much non-stop except for when I'm laying down on my side (almost fetal position). It hurts to get up (out of bed or a chair), it hurts to walk (I feel myself almost waddling today) and I know I couldn't run this evening if my life depended on it. 

Everything I've read about RLP seems somewhat consistent with my symptoms and at almost 30 weeks I know I'll be growing a lot. I'm just wondering if that's all it is or if it's my 5'0 110 lb pre-pregnancy body telling me I can't run anymore... Anyone else have any experience with this from exercise or any other activity? Any relief suggestions?
Mr & Mrs 5/5/2012
DH-28 Me-26
Fur baby- Colt 
Baby BOY due 9/24/2014


BabyFruit Ticker 



Re: RLP or something more from running?

  • I had to stop running because when baby turned head down it became too painful :/ maybe just give yourself a while to rest, few days off or so, and then try a short run and see if you're still feeling it.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • I started experiencing really awful groin and pelvic pain after my runs around 27 weeks. I'd run maybe 3 miles. I switched to the elliptical a few weeks back and it's been pain free, but for some dumb reason I decded o try running again last week and I had horrendous pelvic pain for about 8 hours after.

    I feel like the pain is 100% from the inpact of running once the baby gets to a certain size. And for me it's really excruciating, like doesnt seem normal, but I always recover from it like 8-10 hours post-run. Just not worth it anymore, so elliptical is it.
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  • Thanks for the responses ladies! I am feeling much better this morning (FINALLY)! I will probably try a very short run sometime this week and see how it goes. If I don't see any improvement, it sounds like plain 'ole walking and/or the elliptical might be my only option for the next 10 weeks :( Kind of disappointing, but I guess I should be grateful to have been able to run this long! 
    Mr & Mrs 5/5/2012
    DH-28 Me-26
    Fur baby- Colt 
    Baby BOY due 9/24/2014


    BabyFruit Ticker 


  • drae86drae86 member
    Yeah, I stopped running over a month ago because it got so unformfortable and I was not willing to invest in a band with only 3 months to go ;) Altho now, I think it would feel great for almost any exercise. Elliptical, hiking, swimming and the prenatal yoga are my go to now. But a bath with epsom salt might help ya, or like others said take a few days off try a lighter run and see what your body says. Mine def told me no more running. Also, the braxton hicks I get while being active are crazy now even when I swim it's almost non-stop. 
  • I meant to reply to this post a couple of days ago, but forgot until the pain from my morning run prompted my brain :)

    I have been feeling something similar to what you have described since ~22 weeks (I'll be 30 weeks on Friday).  There is a lot of soreness in my groin, upper thighs, and in my lower abdomen.  Up until recently, the pain would only last during the run, but now the soreness lasts into the next day (it feels like I have done a 15 mile run).  As a result, I have been running every other day, giving my body a break with some light stretching on the off days.

    With my DS, I gave up running somewhere between 28-30 weeks because of similar pains, which I figured were due ligament stretching from the extra belly weight.  From then on, I walked 3-5 miles most days, and was able to do so up until delivery.  I am actually hoping to make it to 32 weeks this time around since I am managing the discomfort better and then plan on walking daily from that point, on.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'd stop running.
  • Congrats to you for still running. I stopped running during the first tri as I was too sick and never picked it back up. Waiting for after delivery and my Dr clearance.
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