September 2014 Moms

Have we discussed slings/wraps?

I'm trying to find any old threads (I thought we had one) but I can't find anything.  I hated the Moby and K'tan last time, but I really want to make babywearing work this time around.  I have an Ergo and an Infantino and those are cool, but I also want a snuggly wrap that I can use at home and maybe even use for skin-to-skin.  Ring slings are appealing to me because they seem easy?  I had a hard time wrapping my Moby last time but that could just be me (plus it was kind of stretchy, seems like a woven fabric would be better).

Anyone have experience using wraps willing to share their thoughts?  Thanks!

DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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Re: Have we discussed slings/wraps?

  • A friend gave me The New Native Baby Carrier. I've never used it but she swears by it. She loved it for EBF and skin to skin when her baby was first born. She said it is as comfortable as a wrap can get and didn't hurt her back, I'm not sure what that means bc I've never used one. My sister gave me a baby sling for DD but it was to small
  • I have an ergo and k'tan. (and bjorn but wont use it now that I have the ergo). I also want to buy a Maya ring wrap.
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  • I liked my ring sling (from and my mei tai for little babies. They both were pretty easy to get the hang of, and quick to get on and off like for running errands. I never was really good at nursing in a carrier, hoping I get the hang of it this time.
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  • I have the k'tan for infant stages, may I ask what it is you don't like about yours?
  • I have a Moby and a Beco carrier from DD1 and am not a huge fan of either. That said, I think I'll have to use the Moby more this time so that my hands are free for DD1.



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  • DjcieplyDjcieply member
    edited July 2014
    I liked my K'Tan for DS when he was an infant. When he got bigger and I had to wrap it with his legs split apart it became a pain so I got a BECO soft structured carrier. Those are the only two carriers I have any experience with.

    I've heard good things about the NuRoo shirt for skin to skin and baby wearing early on, I think it's only good for infants up to 15lbs though.
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    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • SicheyanneSicheyanne member
    edited July 2014
    After expressing an interest in baby wearing someone got me this at my baby shower.
    "Agility" I've never heard of it, though I'm excited to try it out. All the reviews I've found so far are good.
    Anyone here have any experience with one of these?
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  • LTMamaLTMama member
    Jenner37 said:

    I have the k'tan for infant stages, may I ask what it is you don't like about yours?

    I loved the idea of it, but I could never get my daughter feeling secure in it. She used to lean back a lot, and it didn't really hold her up properly and I was afraid she would flip out backward. Again, that may well have just been my user error, bcs it seemed like it sounds be an awesome carrier. It's also lightweight for summer.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @LTMama‌ I can understand that, DD used to lean back too but I started to tuck the back of her head under one of the straps and viola secure. I only used it for the first few month but found it to be fairly simple (once I figured it out) and lightweight.
  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    I'll be getting - actually making - a ring sling, and we have an Ergo. Wasn't sure if this part should go here or in weekend randoms, but I just watched a YouTube video on a ring sling carrying position and about bawled because I'm so excited about this baby.

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  • LTMamaLTMama member
    Jenner37 said:
    @LTMama‌ I can understand that, DD used to lean back too but I started to tuck the back of her head under one of the straps and viola secure. I only used it for the first few month but found it to be fairly simple (once I figured it out) and lightweight.
    I wonder if I just had the wrong size or something?  She'd get her head out whenever I tucked it, too.  It must have been me, I dunno.  LOL I have wrap issues.  

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I have an Ergo and a sling from Seven Slings...though the reviews on SS aren't that great. I'm really looking into a Nuroo shirt for skin 2 skin and b/c my friend loved it for BFing after her daughter was too big. If the SS doesn't work out, then I'll end up getting a ring sling
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  • Anyone have experience with the boba? I read good things in the baby bargains book but I never hear anyone who has one.

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  • I don't think it has to be anything too fancy. I was impressed one day I saw an African ladysecurely  tie her 2 month old to her back with a oversized piece of cloth. I think it's as simple as that
  • CplusJ=SCplusJ=S member
    edited July 2014
    fatimahya said:
    I don't think it has to be anything too fancy. I was impressed one day I saw an African ladysecurely  tie her 2 month old to her back with a oversized piece of cloth. I think it's as simple as that

    Be careful giving this advice. Baby wearing (especially back carries) aren't as simple as using any type of fabric. Baby wearing wraps are woven using cotton, linen and/or wool blends and are made specifically for holding the weight of a baby/toddler. It is important when trying a back carry that the fabric you are using isn't stretchy and doesn't sag. 

    With that said, I have a Boba stretchy wrap, a SSC (like an Ergo) called a Pikkolo, a ring sling made out of a woven wrap, and two woven wraps (sizes 4 & 7). They all have pros and cons. I am planning on getting a toddler Tula for my 2 year old. I prefer the Boba for the NB stage. I like the ring sling for quick trips to the store. I use the SSC when we are out and about for any length of time. I use my woven wraps mostly at home when I am cooking, cleaning or doing laundry. They come with sleepy dust and my DD always used to fall asleep in my woven wraps.
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