September 2014 Moms

Can't get comfortable

Half vent half request for advice I guess....I just can't get comfortable! The best way I can describe how I feel is like someone took a bike pump, hooked up to my belly button, and filled me with air. My belly feels soooo tight and stretched, it almost hurts. And the weird thing is that my doc said I haven't gained too much weight and that I'm not super bloated. If anything she wants me to take in even more fluid, but I can barely stand it. I wish I could just release like some sort of epic belch and get rid of all this hot air! Haha. So this of course makes any type of recline feel awful. On my back propped with pillows, on my side, it all sucks! I'm trying to stretch, took a warm shower....nothing. And I'm only 32 weeks - is this going to get even worse? Help! Anyone figure out any remedies to help this tight and uncomfortable feeling?

Re: Can't get comfortable

  • Yes, it only gets worse. I think most of us are getting to this point. I've just accepted the I won't be comfortable again until September ;)
  • AR1of2AR1of2 member
    I feel this way too. And have been wondering the same thing about whether this just gets worse... I almost (I said ALMOST) hate eating because anything that makes me the tiniest bit full just exacerbates the stretched uncomfortableness! Nice to know from PPs that this will only get worse! Stay strong.
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  • Well crap! Haha.
  • If your skin is bothering you, try lotion-ing up after you get out of the shower with a gentle lotion like Aveeno or Vaseline.
    But, girl is putting a lot of pressure on my lungs and I'm huffing and puffing all over the place. Try eating smaller meals too...eating too much makes me super uncomfortable and I get sick sometimes. 
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  • So. Uncomfortable. I've only had a few rib shots but the head butting my bladder is absolutely going to be the death of me. And what's sleep? Can't wait for September to get here.
  • Anv928Anv928 member
    I feel the same way! I cannot breathe when I lay back, no position is comfortable, and if I take a deep breath to try and calm myself, I feel as if I'm about to pop!!!
  • As I am ready for bed hanging out just trying to get comfy and thinking oh tonight might not be too bad and all of a sudden this lo starts hiccuping. Constant tiny little hiccups that have been going on for close to 10 minutes. I feel bad for him and at first it was kinda cute but now it just needs to stop. I want to sleep tonight and this doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon.
  • As I am ready for bed hanging out just trying to get comfy and thinking oh tonight might not be too bad and all of a sudden this lo starts hiccuping. Constant tiny little hiccups that have been going on for close to 10 minutes. I feel bad for him and at first it was kinda cute but now it just needs to stop. I want to sleep tonight and this doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon.

    My lo woke me up tonight doing the same thing!!!
  • Yes this is unfortunately a very common feeling at our stage in the game. Thank God we are are all rounding third and almost home!!!!
    A support belt has helped me with the heavy feeling. Hang in there!
  • As I am ready for bed hanging out just trying to get comfy and thinking oh tonight might not be too bad and all of a sudden this lo starts hiccuping. Constant tiny little hiccups that have been going on for close to 10 minutes. I feel bad for him and at first it was kinda cute but now it just needs to stop. I want to sleep tonight and this doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon.
    Just had this in the middle of the night last night...around 3:30am. I feel bad for her too, because it's like's 10-15 min sessions of this. I only started experiencing the hiccuping this week, so this is new to LO. She should hiccup during the day so mommy can try to sleep at night! Come one little ones... have mercy on us! :)


  • Ditto the other ladies. Ugh.
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  • I am feeling the same way. I must look like I am in pain because DH has been more attentive asking if I am okay. My response is that I am 32 weeks pregnant so no I am not ok! It is so strange to want time to slow down and speed up at the same time. I want LO here, I want to feel better again, but we have so much still left to do!
  • Only gets worse like others have said. I think I'm a little less uncomfortable this time since there's only one baby in there but he also moves a lot more and he's a lot stronger than my twins were. I don't know what this sleep is you speak of.

    Btw I love people that say "sleep now bc when baby comes you won't get much" uhh pretty sure I slept better when the twins got here since it was more than 40 mins (if I was lucky since I was peeing so much)


  • Ss3457Ss3457 member
    I, honestly, feel like I can't catch my breath. It's becoming extremely irritating and sometimes concerning. I'm aware that it's common to feel shortness of breath, but sometimes it gets so severe that I almost experience an anxiety attack!
  • When I feel super sore and tight I lube up with lotion and sit with a warm rice bag over my belly. I find it helps about as much as a nice warm shower, without the dry itching afterwards.
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  • Well I got a little good news. Took a childbirth prep class today and the instructor says that around 37 weeks when the baby starts to drop into position that the pressure on the lungs and stomach can really let up. So you can breathe better and eat a little more. The trade off....all the pressure moves to the bladder and the pelvis!
  • Not the same kind of uncomfortable but I have been having bad sciatic pain. I was using a regular body pillow amd getting no relief. Bought one of the boppy full body pillow things and I'm getting about 5 hours of sleep now so that's an improvement. .. Also went grocery shopping and had to stop 2x due to out of breath and tiredness. Yikes.
  • For the last month or so when I am standing for more than a few minutes, my legs are going numb and the outside of my thighs are cold and tingly. My girls were always higher causing shortness of breath, I guess my boys like to try to sneak out while I'm not paying attention since both have been so low.
  • cornflwr33cornflwr33 member
    edited July 2014
    I feel ya.. I'm 33 weeks (1 day) and I just can't get comfortable either.  Toss and turn all night....  my hip actualy hurt last night... ughhh

    I'm tempted to buy a maternity pillow but not sure if it'd be worth it this late in the game?
    Married 08-04-13
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  • I'm definitely using my maternity pillow more lately. I bought it early and wondered if it was a waste, but now I like feeling cradled and sort of being able to wrap my arms around something. That's not to say that I don't also feel like I'm trapped in an octopus' tentacles sometimes. Unwrapping myself from the pillow to get up to pee is not fun! I felt a litttttle better last night. Made sure to eat a pretty light low carb dinner and that seemed to help the pressure.
  • Getting in the pool really helps. It feels like a reset button to all my soreness from the day. And floating with a pool noodle is even better!
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