Half vent half request for advice I guess....I just can't get comfortable! The best way I can describe how I feel is like someone took a bike pump, hooked up to my belly button, and filled me with air. My belly feels soooo tight and stretched, it almost hurts. And the weird thing is that my doc said I haven't gained too much weight and that I'm not super bloated. If anything she wants me to take in even more fluid, but I can barely stand it. I wish I could just release like some sort of epic belch and get rid of all this hot air! Haha. So this of course makes any type of recline feel awful. On my back propped with pillows, on my side, it all sucks! I'm trying to stretch, took a warm shower....nothing. And I'm only 32 weeks - is this going to get even worse? Help! Anyone figure out any remedies to help this tight and uncomfortable feeling?
Re: Can't get comfortable
A support belt has helped me with the heavy feeling. Hang in there!
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
Btw I love people that say "sleep now bc when baby comes you won't get much" uhh pretty sure I slept better when the twins got here since it was more than 40 mins (if I was lucky since I was peeing so much)
I'm tempted to buy a maternity pillow but not sure if it'd be worth it this late in the game?
BFP 12-31-13
EDD 09-01-14