September 2014 Moms

Baby sleeper

Okay, so I'm sure that this question has been asked and so I'm sorry for the repeat question if that's the case. I was curious to see what everyone was planning on having their child sleep in the first couple of weeks.
I'm a FTM and so I would prefer to have DD sleep with DH and I for the first couple weeks, until we are comfortable about putting her in her crib. I'm just not sure what I want her to sleep in. I'm not 100% sure that there will be enough room for a pack-n-play in our room. Any suggestions?!

Re: Baby sleeper

  • With DS I attempted the crib at first... no go. He slept on me or DH and that was it. We had luck with his car seat but that's not considered safe overnight so we got a pack-n-play.... no go. Swing? Nope. So I ran out to BRU and got a cosleeper.... bingo! Made it very easy to BF in the middle of the night without getting up and I already have it set up next to the bed for this go 'round.
  • This question gets discussed periodically. It's generally a mix of: going straight for their crib, a pack n play, a rock n play, a co sleeper that attaches to mom/dad's bed but give baby his/her own space, co sleeping in the same bed, or the ever popular "wherever we find that works."



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  • There is no room in our house for a crib and the rock 'n play won't fit near the bed either. We're planning on using this co-sleeper
  • We are doing a pack n play, and did with our first as well. For at least the first 6 mo. (I will pull him into bed with me also for nursing, so he will likely sleep part time in our bed and part time next to the bed in the pnp) We aren't sure how it's going to work this time with space, so we might end up buying a travel lite pnp from graco. It's smaller, but still has stages, so the mattress can be moved down. We have a rock n play, but I don't like that you have to find another solution once the baby can sit up or roll. But. If you think you will only cosleep for a couple of weeks, something cheaper, like a rock n play would be perfect.
    photo 22e3a93e-8933-4ed0-acf4-72665341621b_zpsd73ca8f6.jpgp>

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  • Ss3457Ss3457 member
    I love the co sleeper you have linked! All the other ones I've seen have been so expensive, but this one is nice and in my price range!
  • We are room sharing for a few months until we move to a bigger place, so our options are pretty limited. We used a RnP with my son for 6 or 7 months before transitioning to a crib. We're planning on starting with the RnP next to the bed, but we also have a PnP (with a mattress since it will be the only place she'll have to sleep) just in case. We're also not completely opposed to bed sharing if necessary.

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  • We loved the rock n play with my dd and we used a bassinet as we'll sometimes. The rock n play worked best though since it seemed to help more with reflux.

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  • We are doing a bassinet at night, and the crib during the day for naps. I want her to transition easily to the crib, and since she and DS will be sharing a room for now, we are easing them into that transition as well.
  • I have a bassinet and a rock n play if the bassinet doesn't work out.

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  • We are going to start out using the rock n play and go from there.


  • Bassinet until he's close to rolling over and then we will either set up the crib or pack n play. All depends on space.
  • We're getting the Graco on-the-go pack n play...but in the end it will all depend where she will actually sleep. I'm not comfortable co-sleeping since DH gets night terrors and thrashes around...and we share our bed with the cats. 
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  • FTM but I have heard amazing things about the rock n play. Especially because it is a little taller so you can rock the baby from bed if he/she gets fussy. I'll be starting out with that and see how it goes
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  • My 2 year old still sleeps in the pnp next to our bed and when she wakes she comes in our bed. We are planning on getting a second pnp for our room where this baby will sleep.
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  • Rock n play
  • There is no room in our house for a crib and the rock 'n play won't fit near the bed either. We're planning on using this co-sleeper
    We have this one too.  I've used it when I watched my nephew's baby over night, and we loved it!
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  • DD had horrible reflux, so she had to be at an incline. So she slept in a bouncer or her swing for a while, then transitioned to the crib once we got the right medication for her. Hopefully we can get this one in her crib right away, otherwise we got a new gliding swing that vibrates, so that might work too.
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  • I am borrowing a co sleeper from a friend but am planning on getting a rock n play as well and see what works.

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  • LTMamaLTMama member
    We had dd in her room from the beginning, first in a pnp (with the bassinet attachment, she liked it), then in her crib. Planning to do the same this time.

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  • Rock n Play or Pack n play-kind of just depends what she seems to like or need.
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  • We used the bassinet in the Pack n Play for DS and he had no problems in it. Since we have less space in our room now due to more furniture, having the Pack n Play in there would make it a little tight, so I picked up a Rock n Play for this LO. If it was just me in the bed I would be fine with bed sharing but I know DH would not get a good nights sleep with a LO in the bed.
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    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • Bassinet a friend also gave me a by your side sleeper.
  • JD83JD83 member
    We have a bassinet for our room that we'll stick her in until she starts sleeping through the night, using her crib in her room for naps (hopefully easing the transition). But we'll adjust to whatever works.
  • FTM but I got an Arm's Reach co sleeper that attaches to our bed. I definitely want him to do naps in his crib so transitioning might be easier but who knows...
    TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14
    TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19

  • @brittneyandadam How do you think your cats will do with the pack n play in your room? I'm kind of worried that one of my cats will never get out of the thing, because she's a jumper and thinks everything that's new is for her. DH suggested that we get a really awesome cat tree for her for in the bedroom, but I guarantee the damn cat won't care about the cat tree when there's a pack n play, which is like a really giant box for a cat. Once we get the pack n play next week, we're going to set it up and test it out and see how she handles it...
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  • ekh2081 said:

    Ok I'm going to ask a stupid question. For those of you using the pnp, are you using the top napper attachment overnight OR is the baby sleeping in the bottom bigger part overnight (as a newborn)?

    I used the top attachment for Dd as a newborn. When she started rolling i took it out and put her in the bottom. I really only used it for naps and she would wake up and play and roll before I ever realized she was up bc she was so quiet. I was nervous about her rolling out but there was no way she could. My sister left her DS in his pnp until he started pulling up then took the top out. I think it depends on your own comfort level.
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