Okay, so I'm sure that this question has been asked and so I'm sorry for the repeat question if that's the case. I was curious to see what everyone was planning on having their child sleep in the first couple of weeks.
I'm a FTM and so I would prefer to have DD sleep with DH and I for the first couple weeks, until we are comfortable about putting her in her crib. I'm just not sure what I want her to sleep in. I'm not 100% sure that there will be enough room for a pack-n-play in our room. Any suggestions?!
Re: Baby sleeper
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2
TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19