September 2014 Moms

In labor and delivery-UPDATE

suiternsuitern member
edited July 2014 in September 2014 Moms
Could use some thoughts for little girl and myself. I've been having contractions for weeks and they are finally starting to change things. I am hopeful that I will be sent home but for sure will be on bed rest. I'll keep you ladies posted....

Update: Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers ladies. We are home. Long story short, I went in to get my numbers checked for GD to see how I was doing controlling it with diet. Well, the asked about my contractions which I always get and so they did an internal exam.  What they found I was 1 cm dilated and they thought the baby was at a -1 station, which is SUPER low. So everyone freaks out and they say I am due to stay in the hospital for a week for monitoring, etc. So I get transferred in a wheel chair to labor and delivery, get all hooked up, and am definetely having alot of contractions 1-2 minutes apart-half of which I could feel, the others I couldn't. So I get another internal exam, all the way up 1 cm dilated which is not good, so I got more monitoring, checked again and thankfully no change. So I got several bags of IV fluid to slow my contractions down which they did and the monitors weren't picking them up but I still feel them. SO basically, I am sitting at 1 cm dilated, have a negative FFN test ( a test they do to determine the chances of going into preterm labor), and am still having a crap load of contractions. They only sent me home because of the negative FFN. If my contractions start to hurt, I am to go back to labor and delivery. I have a follow up appointment on Monday with my normal MFM and we will see what he has to say, but I doubt much, since we are pretty much in a wait and see what my body does pattern now. Thankfully my Mom comes into town tomorrow for 2 weeks to help with things around the house and help with DS. It has been a super stressful day so I am off to rest and go to bed!
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