We have been TTC 18 months, and are ready to take the next step - planning on seeing RE within the next couple of months. Curious - when did you decide to switch to an RE vs. your OB? How aggressive was your OB willing to be? How long did you have to wait after making your appointment? Any insight is appreciated!
Re: New Here
Welcome! For us, we started TTC October 2007, by September 2008 we were seeing an RE. There was an almost 2 month waiting list....until I started looking into other docs and called to cancel my appointment, suddenly there was an appointment open within 2 weeks. So we stuck with our first doc pick, which I'm glad we did. I hear that 1-2 months is an average wait time to see an RE.
After we met, she ran several tests on both of us. Once she determined that we had a MIF as well as my problems (PCOS), we moved straight to IVF. We're about two weeks from our transfer. So it took us about 3.5 months to get to this point, from initially meeting with her.?
I'm not sure how old you are, but sometimes that determined how aggressive the RE will be...or if you're like us, and working with male and female infertility.
Good luck!!!?
HI there!
I'm a newbie too. I met with my OB right around the 1 year-mark, and she did a bunch of initial testing for me - ultrasound, bloodwork (FSH, thyroid, estrodoil levels, maybe others - I can't remember) and had my DH do a SA. After that, we met to discuss the results - all my (and DHs) numbers were in normal range, but I had the "string of pearls" appearance on my overies, so she thought possibly PCOS. At that point, she perscribed Clomid, which I did for 2 months (unmonitored, which made me nervous) and when that didn't work, I made the RE appt. I only had to wait about 10 days to get an appointment, which was great.
My OB told me from the beginning that at any time I wanted to move on, she would refer me to an RE, and that if any of the numbers were off, that she would send me there sooner than later. When I went to the RE, he did not repeat any of the b/w the OB did, so I don't feel like I wasted too much time. Good luck! If it's been 18 mos for you, I think it is definitely time to see what an RE can do for you!
We've also been TTC for 18 months and only recently started seeing an RE. I'm young (I'll be 28 tomorrow) so we didn't see a need to rush into treatment. We also were in denial about needing help and wanted to try on our own for a little longer. However, when we did get the testing done it turns out I have high FSH, which means the clock is ticking and we actually don't have time on our side.
Anyway, I would definitely see an RE and not an OB. OBs are not trained in IF and can only do so much (usually just Clomid) and they usually don't monitor you. You will get better care with an RE. I called two offices and we were able to get an appointment (they do a consult first) within a few weeks, but I think it depends on your area. I've heard of some women waiting months, so better to call now and find out.
Good luck! I know it can be very hard to take this first step but I promise it will be worth it.
HI! I think seeing an RE after 18 months is perfectly acceptable. You will get more specialized care for whatever you need. Good luck!
After 2 months off the pill, I had really long cycles so my OB did Day 3 testing, which came back normal. At the 6 month mark, a second OB (I moved) decided to do progesterone (Day 21) testing, so she was fairly aggressive. We found that my bloodwork was normal, so she gave us the choice to do the SA right away or wait a few months. We decided to do it right away (the 1st SA at the 6-month mark and the 2nd SA at the 7-month mark) and found out that DH has low motility. So, she referred us to an RE at the 8 month mark.
DH is 36 and I'm 31, so we're feeling the time pressure more than younger couples, so we're moving forward more quickly than most. We'll be making our first RE appointment this week.
Good luck!
We tried for ~ 6mths on our own. I was having long cycles and my old OB didn't think I was ovulating. He started me on clomid, but I have very little monitoring. I did 5 cycles of Clomid w/ him and w/ the last one got PG but had a m/c. He thought the clomid was working (I was ovulating) and was just going to keep going w/ that, but wasn't doing any testing. At then end of my 4th round of clomid I went ahead and made an appt w/ an RE. It took a month to get in, so I did another round of clomid. At that point we had been trying for about 12 months.
I agree that seeking an RE after 18 months of trying is the right thing to do. Has your OB done any testing?
I replied to your post on the Omaha boards, but you can email me (lbuggi@cox.net) anytime if you have questions.
I have a new OB who does do some fertility treatments (clomid +IUI) but will monitor you closely and do all of the testing. I didn't do any treatments through him b/c I was already working w/ the RE.
Anyways, welcome! This board has helped me so much and everyone if very supportive.
I have PCOS. My OB did 2 monitored rounds of Femera+trigger+TI... When those didn't work, she sent me to the RE.
When I was ready to TTC, my ob/gyn said, "See me in 6 months if you're not pregnant" (I was over 35). I came in at that point, she ran tests, and said, "I'm puttin you on Clomid for 2 months. If you're not pregnant by then, you're seeing an RE." That's exactly what happened.
The "rule" is if you've been TTC for a year or more (under 35) or 6 months or more (over 35), you can see an RE.
I waited maybe a month or 2 before I made the RE appt. to see the dr.
Make the RE appt. You won't regret it.
welcome to the board. sorry you have to be here.
you might want to check w/your insurance company but some require a referral from your ob/gyn to see an RE - though many don't. but i think after TTC 18 months you are definitely ready to do some testing.
i only waited 6 months after TTC to talk to my ob/gyn about it. my cycles were regular but very long, averaging 35-38 days. i just had a bad feeling so i brought it up at my annual wellness exam w/her in early december. even though i am only 29 and had been TTC for 6 months, after looking at my charts, she felt we could move forward with diagnostics for IF. i guess i am fairly lucky in that my ob/gyn was willing to be aggressive about it...maybe b/c she does a lot of work in IF. what i gather from this board is that most ob/gyn's will put patients on clomid and not monitor them at all. they just say "here, take this and if you're not PG after a few months, let me know." mine will be monitoring me with b/w and u/s so i feel confident in continuing to work with her, at least for now. we are going to try some medicated cycles with trigger and timed intercourse...if that doesn't work we'll talk about IUIs. my DH and i talked about it and if we try for a few more months and i'm still not PG, then we will consider referral to an RE.
i was very overwhelmed when we first started this journey (just one month ago) so i understand how you feel...this board is a great resource. if you aren't charting, i would start doing that. make sure you get b/w done on CD3 and semen analysis for your DH.
Jaime & Brent
Oahu, Hawaii | Sept. 9, 2005
My Food Blog - Good Eats 'n Sweet Treats
Thanks ladies for all of your replies. We have not been in a huge hurry, I am still in school so our mentality is "if it happens, it happens."
I initially saw my OB at 12 months and at that point he was willing to be as aggressive as we wanted, but felt confident that everything "seemed" normal and suggested that if we were not ready RIGHT NOW to keep trying for another ~6 months on our own, with the understanding that we could change our mind at any time.
I had a feeleing even before we stopped preventing that we would have trouble for some reason, and here we are. I am 29 and DH is 34. I will graduate in December - so we are ready to get this show on the road!!
Thanks again - I am sure I will have more questions.