Babies on the Brain

What Birth Control are you using?

My husband and I don't want a baby for another year or so. I am on the nuva ring and have been in it about three years. I am thinking of switching to the IUD. I would like to get some opinions on birth control and the kind you are on. I am thinking of switching over in August.

Re: What Birth Control are you using?

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  • If you're only waiting a year to TTC I would not get an IUD. They can be expensive and are meant to be used as longer term BC. Stick with the NuvaRing or get on the pill.
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  • Just curious what beliefs? I think that is intersting.
  • Condoms...although we literally pulled that goalie this week.
    imageimage imageimage

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We used condoms.. I was on the pill for very short time. Went off pill since it wasn't for me. We just used condoms until we were ready to have a kid.
    Once we feel our family is complete DH will get sniped.
  • Nuva Ring. I wouldn't switch if I were you. The IUD can be crazy expensive and the price wouldn't be worth it unless you were going to use it as long as it works.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Love: March 2010  Marriage: July 2013  Debt Free: October 2014  TTC: April 2015
     BFP: April 10, 2016 EDD: December 19, 2016 Team Blue!
    Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d

  • edited July 2014
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  • We used charting and VCFs and pull out (occassionally condoms) successfully for over 2 years before TTGP. Since our son was born, over the past year we have doing condoms, VCFs and pull out. Charting has kinda fallen by the way side at the moment, but I still use fertility friend to keep track of my cycles and fertility signs.
    -=- Tara -=-

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  • Between DD#1 and the twins, I was on 2 different hormonal BC's which my body did not tolerate AT ALL!  So we went to Condoms, pull out and charting.  I am fairly regular and was able to predict to the day, so this worked for us for the few years between #1 and TTC #2.  After the twins were born, I had Mirena IUD placed and it has been nothing but amazing!  I  agree that it is not worth your time, or money to have an IUD placed for a year.  after you deliver,yes, but now its not worth it.  Stick with what you currently have or try a few natural preventers until you are ready.  GL!!
  • I was on the pill for a couple day I read the label of all the possible side effects and then I never took another pill - ha!  Now we've been using condoms. 

    For the first 9+ months immediately after I went off the pill, I got the worst cystic acne of my life. It was awful. I went to the dermatologist and she said it was hormonal acne due to the pill. I don't recommend the pill...
  • I'm on the pill - microgestin to be exact. However, I've had spotting and lots of mood swings, so I'm planning on talking to my gyn about it on Wednesday when I go in for my yearly appointment.
    Me: 28
    DH: 31
    Married: May 2015
    1 Furbaby
    BFP 11/27/15
    EDD 8/4/16

  • Pull out lol. If you want to call that birth control. I hate everything hormonal and the IUD scares me. I wish there were other options :(
  • Condoms. I've never been on the pill but I do take spironolactone for my skin, which I plan to part with (at the expense of my skin) when we start TTC.
  • Haha well I use the "Pull and Pray" method. I have crazy cycles and there was a chance that I have/had Endo.

    BC always really messed with me, I always got sick and fully unbalanced. When I was on BC I did the Pill. I was ok on it until my brand was discontinued. When they put me on the generic version it gave me major health problems... so we did Pull and Pray lol

    Now we are TTC next month.  

  • We do natural planning now.  The pill messed me up too much.  And I only would ever bleed on it for months and months.  I never quit the "Breakthrough" stage.  Tried various versions, just doens't happen!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The patch, which I love. However, based on the few months I took off here and there, the side effects of going off are not going to be fun. Boobs disappear and acne is back. Yuck. Patch is great and low maintenance, but it makes me nauseous a few days out of the month. Definitely not recommended if you smoke (stroke risk).
  • @SassyStephxoxo‌ - I had endo for years! That shit sucked.......

    Used BCPs for awhile, then mostly Depo shots and Lupron for about 6 yrs; went 8 years w/o AF. Then started chiropractic care and found out I had a very minimally off spine (3mm in my hips and a not even noticeable except via X-ray spinal curve that was pinching a nerve wrong, not enough to even notice)

    Long story short, got that shit straightened out and 5 yrs ago started the hormone drug free pull out method and been 26-28 days regular ever since. :)
  • We just use condoms. I got off of the pill just before our wedding in 2012--not because we were wanting a baby, but because the hormones made me suddenly sick. I didn't want to risk it again, plus now it's less than a year until TTC, so I want to be able to get pregnant ASAP. Neither of us love condoms, but it's a necessary sacrifice right now. I really can't get pregnant until next year.
  • We used the pill.  But went off it since I kept bleeding on it.  So basically now we've been using NFP which has been working decently.  We use condoms, chart, etc.  :)  It will be nice when we finally ttc.  
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We used NFP prior to having our son. Basically charting. We used condoms if we had sex during fw. Now we're using condoms because I'm still bf and we'll stop using them next month to try for #2!
  • I was on BCP for years before TTC #1. It wasn't until finally going off that I realized how much the hormones messed with my sex drive so I decided to avoid hormonal BC. Between dd1 and dd2 we basically did pull and pray. Then the paraguard iud after Dd2.
    Love: 8.10.99
    Marriage: 12.18.04
    DD1: 5.19.10
    DD2: 4.11.12
    #3 EDD 4.23.16

  • I was on Mirina IUD for 5 years and loved it but its 5 years was up and had to come out, and I wanted a break from hormones. So then we went to NFP (charting BBT), but it had been a while since I used that and we had last used it to TTC so that was the pattern stuck in my head.  If you do use NFP, chart BBT and CF and read the WHOLE book, or be prepared for the consequences.  OOPs.

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  • I was on the depo shot for two years, didn't have a single period. Then towards the end I gained 18 pounds in 3 weeks, which is what caused me to switch to the pill. A few months later I started bleeding nonstop for about 2 months and had to switch pills. Hoping all these bc changes haven't messed up anything. On my second month of ttc now!
  • other half is out of the country ;)
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