I'm 7 weeks pregnant (if we're correct in our estimate - I see my physician next week) and other than peeing a lot and having sore boobs and a constant headache, I don't 'feel" pregnant. I am not in the least tired, and I don't have cravings or morning sickness. Not that I'm complaining! Anyone else like me? All the books say I should feel exhausted, but I'm averaging 5 hours of sleep a night because I just can't relax! Maybe it'll be better after I've gone for my first appointment...
Re: Don't "feel" pregnant
That is exactly like me! I never really got any symptoms either, other than fatigue. Enjoy it!! By the way, I still don't "feel" pregnant yet. Advice I've gotten is that I will when I see a bump or feel the baby move thats when it will hit me.
My BFP Chart~
Totally normal. Some days your boobs may not hurt and some they may. Be lucky you don't have the exhaustion (at least not yet). See what happens after your appt.
I am almost 13 weeks and have not had any m/s.