September 2014 Moms

~Gestational Diabetes Check In-7/8/2014~

This check-in is for anyone with Gestational Diabetes or those who have blood sugar levels that are high or low and could use the extra support. Check-in is posted on Tuesdays.

Keep in mind that any info shared here isn't meant to be medical advice and if you plan on changing something to run it by your Dr. first-as most of these posts go with the bump!

This is one link I found to have a pretty good explanation of GD!

Now the questions-

How far along are you?

Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):

Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?

Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?

GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack?


I think I added everyone who chimed in last week on the check in! Let me know if you don't want to be tagged!
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Re: ~Gestational Diabetes Check In-7/8/2014~

  • How far along are you? 28 weeks 5 days

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet so far

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I have my first GD appointment to check my numbers on Thursday morning. I am a bit nervous as to what to expect after reading some of the number posts the last few days and seeing people put on insulin with similar numbers to me!

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Did your Drs. give you a specific range they would like to see your numbers in besides just being below the max?

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? I've been experimenting with food lately to see what I can eat within reason. I learned I can have a donut and be ok and an occasional chai tea from SBs! My favorite go to snack is usually a peach or an apple, protein bar, string cheese, almonds, or an apple with peanut butter. For my before bed snack I've been eating a skinny cow ice cream, but I didn't have one last night and my morning fasting number was much much lower, so I may stop eating those.
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  • 31 weeks now and was put on insulin yesterday only at nighttime to help the fasting numbers. Still following the diet an exercise just wasn't thrilled about the insulin. Have follow ups weekly now..

    My go to snack is Cheerios =)
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  • edited July 2014

    I have a question for the ladies on insulin (because I'm willing to bet that is where I am headed as I can't get a hold on my fasting #'s for anything.) Do you do shots or oral meds? If you do shots, how hard was it for you to give yourself a shot everyday?

    I seriously don't think I'm going to be able to do it. I have to muster up strength to prick my finger. It has nothing to do with pain, just stabbing myself with something - I'm not very good at. I can take shots and give blood like a champ if someone else is doing it to me, but I seriously doubt I will be able to do this. Do you have your partner or someone else do it for you?




  • Thanks for the check in, @suitern‌

     How far along are you? 30 weeks, 3 days 

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet for now 

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Diabetes counselor this week 

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Until I see this counselor I really only know the "don't go over this number" numbers, which is frustrating. 

     GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? A low fat graham cracker with a teaspoon of almond butter


  • Hi everyone:

    How far along are you?  28 weeks 4 days

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet and 2.5 of glyburide at dinner time.

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Yes..we have our 28 week appointment on Thursday, we also have growth ultrasound and fetal echocardiogram repeat on Friday morning.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?  Honestly Im starting to sometimes struggle numbers wise.  Ive been managing by really watching diet since week 13, so now its starting to get to me.  It seems like in the last 2 weeks Ive sort of been down on myself and the Gest. Di. I told my husband I feel like Im just constantly monitoring myself and restricting all day that its getting frustrating.  I know it will all be worth it in the end to have a healthy baby and have him safe and home with us, it just gets hard.

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? Id say one piece of toast with peanut butter and half glass of milk.  Or cheese and like 5 pretzel crisps or a McDonalds yogurt parfait without the granola
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • Good morning!!

    28weeks yesterday!

    Still diet controlled here but Ive been worried. Although my fasting numbers are back to normal and you could definitely see a jump pattern in levels when my strips were contaminated and when I got the new set.

    I think I'm still doing ok. So so so tired of all the monitoring and thinking that goes into gd. But we are all getting close so hang in there!

    My favorite snack? I really don't have a favorite. I'm really getting tired of eating the same stuff over and over. And I actually don't find myself snacking too much the way my meals end up being timed. If I need something I go for string cheese, almonds, and lately grapes. Live for grapes the last few days.
  • Good morning!! 28weeks yesterday! Still diet controlled here but Ive been worried. Although my fasting numbers are back to normal and you could definitely see a jump pattern in levels when my strips were contaminated and when I got the new set. I think I'm still doing ok. So so so tired of all the monitoring and thinking that goes into gd. But we are all getting close so hang in there! My favorite snack? I really don't have a favorite. I'm really getting tired of eating the same stuff over and over. And I actually don't find myself snacking too much the way my meals end up being timed. If I need something I go for string cheese, almonds, and lately grapes. Live for grapes the last few days.
    I love grapes or berries...I forgot to add one of my true favorites are cherries! I have a cup of them every day with lunch =).
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  • I have a question for the ladies on insulin (because I'm willing to bet that is where I am headed as I can't get a hold on my fasting #'s for anything.) Do you do shots or oral meds? If you do shots, how hard was it for you to give yourself a shot everyday?

    I seriously don't think I'm going to be able to do it. I have to muster up strength to prick my finger. It has nothing to do with pain, just stabbing myself with something - I'm not very good at. I can take shots and give blood like a champ if someone else is doing it to me, but I seriously doubt I will be able to do this. Do you have your partner or someone else do it for you?

    I was a little nervous at first but turns out it wasn't that bad, the needle is in the same form as the needle to prick your finger. I chose the insulin over the pill because insulin doesn't pass through the placenta at all where the pill is still extremely safe there is a 0.5% that could pass through. I also take the insulin for my fasting numbers and today was the first reading under 90 which I was happy for. Good luck!
  • jg1011jg1011 member
    edited July 2014
    How far along are you? 31 weeks today
      Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): was diet controlled up until yesterday, starting insulin tomorrow at night to control fasting numbers 

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Just had regular OB appt yesterday. All looks good. Have a High Risk appt to discuss insulin and monitoring on Monday. Regular OB and nutrition a week from Monday.

      Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Struggling with morning fast numbers. Struggling with evening snacks....I just gag thinking about eating a protein and carb at 10 pm.......I need something sweet....I need my Italian ices or a couple of cookies with milk. I've been really good about gagging down a good snack and am frustrated that it STILL ends me up with a high fasting number and insulin! 

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? I usually do PB and apples or Half a PB and J, I love grapes and other fruit, but they just make my numbers too high even when paired with cheese or something. Other than that about 10 triscuits with a light skinny cow cheese spread wedge and cucumbers with hummus and olives.
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  • Yumm the cow cheese wedges... Fruit and berries have always made me a little scared because I don't always react well to them but once in a while I just don't care! I need to go to the store soon, the kids polished off the grapes and it's so hot lately I like to put them in the freezer for a snack. :)
  • camichael84camichael84 member
    edited July 2014
    This is my first post on this thread. I found out yesterday I failed my 3 hr glucose test. Numbers were good at the one hour draw, but barely went down at the two and three hour marks.

    How far along are you? 29.5 weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet and exercise.

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I have an initial appointment at the hospital diabetic unit to go over nutrition and tracking my sugar. My mother is diabetic, so I have a general idea of what I need to do, but it'll be good to get more information.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Right now, just struggling with the fact that I have GD. I know it's not my fault, but I feel like I did something wrong, and that I'm putting my baby at risk.

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? Well, it has been watermelon. Hoping that I find it doesn't make my sugar go up. I've also been really enjoying walnuts.

  • bdublynn said:

    I have a question for the ladies on insulin (because I'm willing to bet that is where I am headed as I can't get a hold on my fasting #'s for anything.) Do you do shots or oral meds? If you do shots, how hard was it for you to give yourself a shot everyday?

    I seriously don't think I'm going to be able to do it. I have to muster up strength to prick my finger. It has nothing to do with pain, just stabbing myself with something - I'm not very good at. I can take shots and give blood like a champ if someone else is doing it to me, but I seriously doubt I will be able to do this. Do you have your partner or someone else do it for you?

    I was a little nervous at first but turns out it wasn't that bad, the needle is in the same form as the needle to prick your finger. I chose the insulin over the pill because insulin doesn't pass through the placenta at all where the pill is still extremely safe there is a 0.5% that could pass through. I also take the insulin for my fasting numbers and today was the first reading under 90 which I was happy for. Good luck!

    Well I just got a notice from my Dr. that she is going to start me on oral meds at night for my fasting BS. Hopefully that will be it, although these past 2 days my lunch reading which is normally been in the 100-115 range after 1 hour has been 145 both days and I have no idea why as it's the same thing I've been eating for lunch for 2 weeks with positive readings. :(





  • How far along are you? 32weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Insulin for fasting numbers.

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I had an nst today and a growth u/s. NST was good, growth u/s showed baby at 4lbs 2 oz which is just a bit big.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My fasting numbers are still the same. I run in the 90-100 range and they want them under 90. They have upped the dose of my insulin 2 times and it is still the same. Tonight they want me to not eat a snack to see what it does. I have found that cottage cheese with blueberries work in the morning if I walk.

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? Luna Protein bars, berries, glucerna shakes.

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  • How far along are you? 32weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Insulin for fasting numbers.

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I had an nst today and a growth u/s. NST was good, growth u/s showed baby at 4lbs 2 oz which is just a bit big.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My fasting numbers are still the same. I run in the 90-100 range and they want them under 90. They have upped the dose of my insulin 2 times and it is still the same. Tonight they want me to not eat a snack to see what it does. I have found that cottage cheese with blueberries work in the morning if I walk.

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? Luna Protein bars, berries, glucerna shakes.

    What is a glucerna shake?? Sounds good.
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  • Any good dessert ideas that are GD approved?
  • I love sugar free chocolate fudge pudding. I will eat that without the gd factor. You could put berries or bananas or whatever in it too. I just get a bowl and spoon. :|
  • suitern said:

    How far along are you? 32weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Insulin for fasting numbers.

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I had an nst today and a growth u/s. NST was good, growth u/s showed baby at 4lbs 2 oz which is just a bit big.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My fasting numbers are still the same. I run in the 90-100 range and they want them under 90. They have upped the dose of my insulin 2 times and it is still the same. Tonight they want me to not eat a snack to see what it does. I have found that cottage cheese with blueberries work in the morning if I walk.

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? Luna Protein bars, berries, glucerna shakes.

    What is a glucerna shake?? Sounds good.
    I misspoke. They are boost glucose control. I have only had the chocolate but it is pretty good. Here it is on Amazon but it is way cheaper in the grocery store. I find it in the pharmacy diet section.

    @jessicaeckhaus I have found that 1/2cup of regular ice cream doesn't hurt my numbers.

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  • How far along are you?

    32 weeks tomorrow

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):


    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?

    I have an appointment on Friday with my High-risk OB.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?

    I switched to day shift this week and this morning and yesterday were the first time in about a week and a half that I've had fasting #s within range. Hopefully it keeps up until Friday for my appointment

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack?

    Fruit and PB. Or just PB.
    Me: 31 DH: 31
    Married 08/11/12 & TTC Since 10/13
    Previous Endo and Ovarian Cyst DX 
    March 2010: Lap. Surgery & D&C--removed 2 cysts 
    BFP: 12/20/2013 EDD: 09/03/2014 
    Travis Karel arrived on 08/21/2014 at 38w1d.
    BFP #2!  Travis is getting a sibling!
    EDD: 1/24/2017

    Mama to my two furbabies Sam and Phoenix
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  • Just curious, are you ladies considered high risk because of the gd even if you aren't on meds?
  • I'm not officially labeled high risk due to GD, but I'm being treated as a high risk patient.


  • I just find the 'labeling' interesting as it depends so much on the OB. My office does not consider gd high risk but maybe it also has something to do with the only high risk docs being about an hour away. I don't have extra appts but a couple of extra ultrasounds to check size.
  • My clinic considers me a "Complicated OB" patient, which is just another name for high-risk there.  They have a different set of doctors that only see COB patients, and I don't have the option to see a MW or Nurse Practitioner 

    "Uncomplicated" OB patients see the doctor every 4 weeks up until 36 weeks ( are almost full term before you go to every two weeks if you are a regular patient...and they go to every week after 38).  

    I get appointments at least every two weeks (once a week if the doctor feels it is necessary), and 2 NSTs a week starting next week if I have to go on meds.  
    Me: 31 DH: 31
    Married 08/11/12 & TTC Since 10/13
    Previous Endo and Ovarian Cyst DX 
    March 2010: Lap. Surgery & D&C--removed 2 cysts 
    BFP: 12/20/2013 EDD: 09/03/2014 
    Travis Karel arrived on 08/21/2014 at 38w1d.
    BFP #2!  Travis is getting a sibling!
    EDD: 1/24/2017

    Mama to my two furbabies Sam and Phoenix
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  • epaprnepaprn member
    edited July 2014
    How far along are you? 31w Friday Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): NPH at night and Humalog with meals. Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? First twice weekly NST and weekly U/S on Tuesday Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Not really. I'm finding my numbers are better and food choices are easier. GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack? Greek yogurt, cheddar cheese, PB and fruit.

    TTC since 3/2012 
    Started charting 12/2012 
    BFP 2/10/13 - MC 3/4/13 
    BFP 6/23/13 - CP 6/27/13 
    BFP 12/31/13 EDD 9/11/14  **please be our rainbow baby!**

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  • Just curious, are you ladies considered high risk because of the gd even if you aren't on meds?
    Yep, I am consisered high risk and see the OBs at the special high risk clinic in the hospital. I was already there for other monitoring, so they already know me....
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  • jg1011jg1011 member
    I am considered high risk based on GD. Will start weekly appts for non stress tests and bio physicals next week.

    According to my doctor, there is a correlation between GD and pre-e so therefore closer monitoring.
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  • jg1011 said:
    I am considered high risk based on GD. Will start weekly appts for non stress tests and bio physicals next week. According to my doctor, there is a correlation between GD and pre-e so therefore closer monitoring.

    Lovely....I hadn't heard this before...
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  • Just curious, are you ladies considered high risk because of the gd even if you aren't on meds?
    I have pre-existing high blood pressure that I take medicine for along with the GD, and my OB's office still doesn't consider me high risk. I get extra monitoring through NSTs and growth scans, and have been told I can't go past my due date. I actually thought they were considering me high risk until I filled out my FMLA form, and they said no.

  • I've never been told that I was high risk or really even treated like I was (I haven't had additional ultrasounds during any of my pregnancies or NSTs). However, my dr has a new website up so we can view results of our lab work. I saw the label "high risk" on there for me.
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  • jg1011 said:
    I am considered high risk based on GD. Will start weekly appts for non stress tests and bio physicals next week. According to my doctor, there is a correlation between GD and pre-e so therefore closer monitoring.
    This exactly.  My OB considers me high risk because of the GD and the fact that Im 34 putting me close to AMA.   I will also start non stress tests and bio physicals in the next week.  Ive also had an ultrasound ever 4 weeks to check for growth since I was diagnosed at 13 weeks.  So far my little guy has stayed little in the 50th percentile which they like.  We'll see on Friday where Im at.

    Also my dr also agrees with the correlation between GD and Pre E.  At 18 weeks (even though my blood pressure has been great) I did a 24 hr urine collection to be tested for protiens that would indicated Pre E.  So far so good there.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • I am amazed with all of the extra monitoring! I also think it's smart. My last dd was a gd baby and I had one extra us for growth because my dr thought she was close to 9lbs. She was 7lb2oz. I had a ton of fluid.

    This guy is being watched because he was so small so I've had more ultrasounds than I ever have. He's up to 30% but I will continue monthly us to make sure he doesn't stall.

    I also am not really stepping up in frequency of appts unless I feel I need to come in sooner. I was just cleared for 3 weeks rather than 2 this week, I'm 28wks2d.

    Thanks for answering. I was just curious about additional monitoring that everyone is going through.
  • i am 32 weeks today and controlling it with insulin.  I have been told that the baby will come by my due date but I also have twice a week nst until I deliver.  I made all my appointment for the rest of my pregnancy at least.  

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  • Also at my growth ultrasound he is in the 62 % for growth.

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  • an02102 said:
    Also at my growth ultrasound he is in the 62 % for growth.
    Can you give us an idea of how much that is in terms of weight @an02102?
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  • @suitern I have no idea.  That is all they told me on the message they left me yesterday.

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  • @suitern‌ my little guy was 792g or about 1lb 9oz and 30% at 25w4d and us measurement said he was 25w gestation. If that may give any indication of what weight may be at that stage.
  • jg1011jg1011 member
    @suitern‌ my little guy is 50th percentile as of last sono 2 weeks ago. He was said to be just over 3 lbs.
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  • I'm having a growth u/s today so I'm hoping that he's still on target like he was at 20 weeks. :-/




  • New to the check-in!  Just found out this morning that I have GD.  I've been cranky ever since.  :)  I'm sure I'll be fine once I deal with accepting this.  :)

    How far along are you?

    29 weeks 2 days

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):


    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?

    Am waiting on a call from the hospital nutritionist to set up an appointment and learn what I need to know.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?

    Yikes!  I've not been able to tolerate meat since mid-February.  I am going to have to find some way of putting it back in my diet.  I think I'll make a pot of chili tonight and see if I can handle that -- beans are something I can't seem to get enough of, so that might be a good combination.

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack?

    All I've wanted to snack on lately has been peaches.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    EDD: September 23
    PGAL: September 2010

  • How far along are you?  32 weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):  Diet and insulin @ night

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?  I have an ultrasound on Wednesday with the Perinatal office.  I've been high risk all along due to scar tissue from two previous surgeries.  My last appointment almost a month ago the baby weighed 3 lbs 2 oz. and was in the 69th percentile.  They said he is probably going to gain a half a lb a week, so he will probably be about 5 lbs. when I go in. 

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?  I'm still trying to get my morning numbers down.  My OB didn't seem too concerned with my numbers, but the dietitian freaks out if I am just one over.  I did find out that my dr will induce me at 38 weeks.  So I only have 5 1/2 weeks to go.  This is a little scary, but I am ready to meet my little one and I am really starting to feel the wear and tear on my body. 

    GTKY: What is your favorite go to snack?  I don't really have one.  Everything I am craving has a ton of carbs, so I try to stay away!
  • I'm 32 weeks yesterday. Diagnosed for 2 weeks now with GD. 1 week of 2.5 mg of Glyburide at night to lower my fasting number and yesterday said she wants to double my dose. Dr hasn't said anything about inducing early but I have growth scan on monday and I'm so excited to finally see LO again!
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