Let me start off by saying that I have a great MIL. We have had our disagreements, but that was a while ago and both of my in-laws have been there for me a lot of times when my own parents weren't. Having said that - there is something that I really don't feel that I can compromise on.
As soon as DH and I told our parents that we were expecting, they all started saying "I want to be called [so and so]..." My MIL is adamant that she wants to be called "mommo" (pronounced "mom-oh"). It is apparently what she called her grandmother when she was alive, so I know that she has some sentimental attachment to the name. My problem is that it sounds really similar to "mom, mommy, mama, etc." It really bothers me thinking that someone else may be called something so similar and I know that when our baby starts talking at some point, "mommo" is going to be said as "mama".
I've tried talking to DH about it, but he thinks that I'm hormonal and it's not a big deal. I've explained that this is something that is important to me. I'm not generally a selfish person, but feel like this would be something that I would totally be okay being selfish with - I want to be the "mom" names (mama, mommy, mom, etc.)
My questions are: Is this something that would bother you? Do you feel like this is an over reaction? Any ideas on how to bring this up to MIL?
I hate confrontation and usually avoid it at all costs, but I feel this is something that is going to cause some problems.
Melanie Noelle was born on 09.03.14
Great Dane Mom to Duke & Hazzard
Re: MIL wants...
Great Dane Mom to Duke & Hazzard
The point is, she can insist all she wants, your kid may come up with something totally different and not budge.
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2
I wouldn't be thrilled with momo either, but I'm not sure if I'd let it be an issue or not. I guess it depends on the type of relationship you have with your MIL.
For my MIL, the issue was that both she and my mom wanted to be called Nana. I told them both (together) that I preferred only 1 Nana, and they decided together that my mom would be Nana and MIL would be Nanny (which she later changed to Grandma).
Oscar born October 2011
Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)
DD due September 1, 2014
Do you email ever? Sometimes it is easier to get your point across that way. 'Dear MIL, I understand the name MoMo has sentimental value for you, but the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I am with you having a name so close to 'Mama.' Let's work together to find a name we both feel comfortable with. Thanks for respecting my feelings on this! Love, OP'
My family had this exact issue come up between my DH and my step dad. My step dad wanted to be called Papa and DH was very uncomfortable with that choice. I brought it up to my parents and they understood. Step dad is now Pappy.
Just be honest with your feelings about it. FX she understands.
I don't think you're being hormonal, mom-oh is pretty close to mama! But then again, my mom is being called mommom and that doesn't bother me.
If you have a good relationship with her then you should just tell her that you don't feel comfortable bc it's so close to mamma and your baby might get a little confused and she will understand. And just let her name your MIL, she going to call what she wants anyway.
Glammy?! Sounds like something you use to clean your shower.
Funny story: my grandma informed my mom when I was born that I'd be calling her by her first name because she was too young to be a grandma (her son was 30!). Mom said, uh, NO, so my grandma picked GRANNY. I literally can't think of a grandma name that sounds older to me. :-D
People are too hung up on names and them being special. Your kid will know who is mom and who is grandmother... No matter what they call them.
What I would do is what a few others suggested. Id call her moh-moh emphasizing the strong "O" sound. Then when your baby calls her that, she'll just have to accept it. :-)
Like others said you could rationalize with her telling her you totally understand the reasoning she has behind it but you are concerned it might be confusing for the baby to call you mama and her ma-moh so you want to make it as easy on the babys developing language as possible.
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
Mom of Boys!!
Baby #1 - 3 years old
Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"