
For Kelly & Everyone Re:Preemie Clothes

Here are some links to places with preemie and *micro* preemie clothes.  I think most of them advertise that their clothes are NICU friendly or NICU approved with special consideration to wires, tubes, etc.  We had micro and regular preemie clothes from many of these places sent to us by relatives and friends and it was a great day the day we finally got to put clothes on our DD in the NICU!  I thought these resources might be useful to posters here or to visitors on Kelly's new site.,s,ns

Re: For Kelly & Everyone Re:Preemie Clothes

  • I ended up getting my preemie clothes from Walmart. I remember my dd nurses not even knowing about micro preemie clothing. When she was that small she wasn't wearing them anyway.
  • Thanks!  I added them.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • Thanks for the post. I've had so many moms ask where to buy preemie clothes, and there really aren't that many stores to buy them that I knew of. Yes
  • I got great micro preemie and preemie stuff from  The prices are great and so is the quality.  All of the NICU nurses asked where the girls' outfits were from because they're so different from anything else they'd seen. 
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