September 2014 Moms

3rd tri travel question

Hey ladies, I was just curious as to when you all are going to stop travelin' and stay closer to home. 30 weeks now and my work requires road trips occasionally and I'm trying to figure out when to tell them I'm not going out of town anymore. For instance there's a meeting I should attend Aug 6th, putting me at 34 weeks, and it would be a 3 hour trip there and 3 hours back in one day. I called my birth center and they told me whenever I want to stop they will provide documentation :) which is awesome. But she said it was really up to me because if I go into labor prior to 37 weeks I will have to go to a hospital anyway. I figure by then I prob won't be up for 6 hours in a car in a single day. What's your experience/preference (etc) with traveling later on in pregnancy? 

Re: 3rd tri travel question

  • jg1011jg1011 member
    My OB grounded me after next week. I will be 32 weeks. I was not permitted to fly as of 30 weeks. Just did a 12 hour drive for vacation last week. I was uncomfortable after about 3 hours.

    I also delivered DS1 at 35 weeks.

    I think PP brought up lots of good points to consider.
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  • I've been grounded from air travel as of this past Saturday (30 weeks). I currently am planning to make a trip from Long Island to Buffalo August 1 but am sort of expecting to not feel up to it.


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  • I think it depends on how comfortable you feel and how your pregnancy has been going. Since I have several high risk factors, I am not allowed to travel now that I hit 28 weeks. I think if you feel up to it, then go, if not, ask for the documentation to keep you closer to home.
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  • LTMamaLTMama member
    I'd ask your OB and see what she says.  Sometimes they have guidelines for patients.

    Personally, since I gave went into labor without warning at 32 weeks, I wouldn't travel after 30 weeks.  But if you do decide to go, great points above about checking to see if hospitals in the area you'd be traveling to would be covered, etc. 

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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  • I'm not high risk, and I just flew this weekend, but I know that at 36 weeks, my doctor doesn't want me more than an hour from home.
  • I just returned from a huge road trip. I am 31 weeks and it was very uncomfortable to be in the car so much. My doctor allows me to travel until I am 34 weeks, but I personally won't be traveling more than an hour or two one way anymore until I deliver.
  • drae86drae86 member
    Thanks ladies. I've had a very smooth pregnancy thus far. We actually just got back from vacation yesterday where I picked up my new mom vehicle (dads old car) so DH and I drove separate vehicles on the way back with him following me. It was about 7 to 8 hour drive and it was fine I was just exhausted by the time I actually got home. The trip is only 3 hours away from Jax to Tally which we make all the time because that's where my in-laws live. I hadn't thought about many of the points you make but I think I'm just going to opt out of it, not because I don't think I could travel but I don't think I'd want to especially without DH in the event anything did happen. We will probably make that trip a time or two prior to 37 weeks because at that point if I did go into labor would be in a hospital which is unplanned anyway whether I'm in town or not (planning a home birth). Plus, 3 hour trip could turn into 4 hours easily with the amount of bathroom breaks required these days! Thanks again! 
  • Yeah, I'd definitely pass on that one -- not because I thought I'd go into labor, but because driving that long in one day while that pregnant is freaking MISERABLE. 
  • I'm in the middle of my last work trip that will require flying, but that is my choice.  My midwife said I could fly up to 36 weeks.  I will probably continue to do my regular trips to NY via Amtrak, until early August.  I have several important meetings and it isn't too bad to go up and back in one day, especially on the Acela.

    We're going on our family trip to OBX in early Aug, I'll be about 33 weeks.  After that, I'll probably stay close to home, maybe squeeze on more trip to NY the week I get back.
    laying down the law on Oahu's North Shore

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