How far along are you? How big is baby? 32 weeks- a squash! Looking at my fruit timeline, I can't believe how close I am to the end....
How are you feeling?Tired. She moves like CRAZY and it keeps me up.
Any appointments, labs, etc?Next apt is on 7/24 - my burfday
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? DH and I just bought a house, so we spent all weekend (including the 4th) painting the downstairs. Luckily, our neighbors put on a pretty awesome fireworks show so we got to see some booms.
August Siggy Challange: Alcohol Porn - Get yer' drank on!
How far along are you? How big is baby? 30 weeks! That's kind of nerve-wracking in a way! Baby is the size of a cucumber.
How are you feeling? Tired. Didn't sleep at all last night. But I feel him all the time now, so that's been fun.
Any appointments, labs, etc? Next Tuesday I have 2, a growth scan and my first two week check up. I get to pick which doctor I want to see, so I chose the very first one, because she seems the most down to earth. Plus I know she won't look at me like I am an idiot when I ask her my questions.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?
Nothing really. DH and I stayed out late with friends the night before so we were out of it. We made chili dogs and then proceeded to watch the amazing displays in our neighborhood.
Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
How are you feeling? I feel pretty good still, though sleeping sucks. Can't get comfortable, and as soon as I do I need to pee. My 20-month-old is on the warpath this morning though -- half hour screamfest over me trying to put a diaper on him -- and now he and my babysitting kid seem to be having a contest to see who can make the shrillest, most annoying noise.
Any appointments, labs, etc? Regular BP/Weight/HB check on Thursday.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?
Ours was pretty glamorous ... buying a new washing machine and working on putting up beadboard in baby girl's nursery. We do make a nice dinner for the three of us though.
How far along are you? How big is baby? 32 weeks! Squash
How are you feeling? I'm feeling not that great honestly. I've been plugging along, but baby is putting a lot of pressure low in my pelvis, I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch by a horse, and my feet are swelling. At least once I get up and get moving a bit, the pain subsides but then my feet/legs get tired so there is no winning this one.
Any appointments, labs, etc? I've got my 32 week appt on Friday. Will have to suck it up and get my tdap this time, eh
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? Had a picnic with my family on Friday, a picnic with DH's family on Saturday and took my little chicks out berry picking yesterday. Which went well, except with DD1 fell/dove into a raspberry bush, which was covered in prickers and scratched up her face/ear pretty good.
How far along are you? How big is baby? 31 weeks / pineapple (yay to start of my eight month!)
How are you feeling? Same ol' same ol'... Tired, heartburn, lots of movement in a tight space, waking up at night, and just not being able to find a comfortable position sometimes. Lately I've had the "something sitting on my chest" feeling which sucks. But I'm getting excited for my baby shower this weekend!!
Any appointments, labs, etc? Nothing until 07/23
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? Went up to a family friend's house and used their pool and sunbathed, then came home and DH's family came over and we did BBQ and watched the fireworks from our front lawn area. DH also was able to move the crib from his parent's house where it was delivered to our house with BIL's help so we get to set that up sometime this week maybe and also BIL dropped off a huge storage container of my nephew's old clothes for us! So when I get home tonight, DH and I get to go through and see what we got
TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14 TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19
How far along are you? How big is baby? 30 weeks a cucumber
How are you feeling? Pretty good today. I am in total nesting mode and don't want to be at work. I just want to go home clean closets and shop for baby.
Any appointments, labs, etc? Tomorrow just a regular appointments
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? Went to Philadelphia and watched the fire works by the art museum and just hung out with DH and friends
How far along are you? How big is baby?: 28 Weeks/Eggplant
How are you feeling?:Pretty good. Tired!
Any appointments, labs, etc?: I have my GD test tomorrow & get my Rh shot, Wednesday I have an other apt for my sciatic nerve and Thursday is our 28 week apt with a Growth Ultrasound. Busy week with appointments.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?: On Friday we went to my SIL's house for a bbq. When it started to get dark they started to set off Frieworks in the driveway and DH and I soon headed home. Call me a weirdo - but setting off the massive fireworks yourself at home 100% freaks me out. Things can go so wrong so quickly with them. Other than that -- DH and I spent the rest of the weekend doing projects around the house. We never had any R&R time and I am paying the price today for it, lol.
Mostly tired...been getting back pain increasingly more!
Any appointments?
Have an appointment before my birthday....last 4 week appointment, can't believe I'll be 30 weeks so soon!!!! And get to find out when we will be removing the circlage..
What did you do for the 4 th?
Took kids to see fireworks at the county airport... Was a great show!!!!
How I am feeling: miserable! Little guy is still on the nerves in my legs so I have numbness when I stand up. Heartburn for days. Nothing helps. Can't sleep. Oh and the pulling and stretching in my abdomen. Ugh.
Appointments: just got back from my 28 week appt. doing well. No weight gain and still down 5lbs overall. Baby is gaining more now and is up to 30%. Good sugars. I get to wait 3 wks to come back.
GTKY: we went camping with my family at the coast. 22 adults/older kids, 3 toddlers and a 1 month old. Fun trip and can't wait for next year. Watched fireworks over the bay and ate. A LOT.
How far along are you? How big is baby? 29w, baby is the size of an acorn squash
How are you feeling? Overall pretty good. Pelvic pain has really kicked in the last few days so sleeping comfortably is becoming even more difficult.
Any appointments, labs, etc? Appointment & u/s last Thursday went well. Baby is growing right on track, but kept it's hand/arm by it's face so I didn't get to see much. I have two appointments with cardiologist this week.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? We went to my brother and sister-in-law's house for the annual block party. Every house hosts an activity, there's live music, and lots of food!
How far along are you? How big is baby? 29 weeks/acorn squash
How are you feeling? Tired! I'm not tolerating night shift like I used to, so work has been challenging. Like a few other ladies mentioned today, I'm also totally in nesting mode. We've been in the new house for a week, and I hate leaving it for work. I'd so much rather be be unpacking/cleaning/decorating.
Any appointments, labs, etc? Next week is my last monthly checkup and then I move on to two-week appointments. I plan on talking to my doctor about whether I should consider switching providers/hospitals now that I'm a 45-min drive from our hospital (and potentially over an hour if traffic sucks). If I go into labor at work, though, the original hospital is much more convenient. Too bad baby can't weigh in and tell me which way he's leaning.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? I worked all weekend, which was lame, but the hospital was pretty quiet so it really wasn't that bad. Plus that sweet holiday pay!
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? We went to in-laws' house for cookout. The weather was marvelous. I think we must've had the summer equivalent or an arctic blast, ha ha. The air was cool and dry - only low 80s as opposed to the humid 90s we are used to around here! We went to our friends' "kitchen takeover" at a cafe that evening and gorged again. Chilled out that night with the dogs who are not fans of fireworks, but we did see/ hear a lot of them from our yard!
You'll make it to "fat chihuahua" before you know it! Sorry, about your doula, but it sounds like your DH has got this!
BFP 11/24/2012 MMC 1/21/2013 - BFP 3/29/2013 MC 4/8/2013 - BFP 4/25/2013 MC 5/6/2013 - 5/17/2013 Diagnosed with LPD - BFP 8/24/13 MC 9/6/2013
How far along are you? How big is baby? 31 weeks and the size of a pineapple.
How are you feeling? Mainly tired, Im just getting crappy sleep.
Any appointments, labs, etc? I have a routine appt next Tues with my OB
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? We went away to a water park for the weekend and also went to DH's tractor pull. We had a great time and it was fun to watch DS play at the water park, hes a pretty shy kid so its refreshing to see him become more outgoing. It was also good that DH got 2nd out of 12 with his tractor so that made the weekend even more enjoyable.
Re: #- Monday Ticker Change -#
How are you feeling?Tired. She moves like CRAZY and it keeps me up.
Any appointments, labs, etc?Next apt is on 7/24 - my burfday
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? DH and I just bought a house, so we spent all weekend (including the 4th) painting the downstairs. Luckily, our neighbors put on a pretty awesome fireworks show so we got to see some booms.
29 weeks/acorn squash. I can't believe I'm into the 30s next week.
How are you feeling?
Tired very very tired.
Any appointments, labs, etc?
Next Thursday. First 2 weeks appt... soso crazy !
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?
Just a regular old day for us here. Hope all the US ladies had a great holiday though.
30 weeks! That's kind of nerve-wracking in a way! Baby is the size of a cucumber.
How are you feeling?
Tired. Didn't sleep at all last night. But I feel him all the time now, so that's been fun.
Any appointments, labs, etc?
Next Tuesday I have 2, a growth scan and my first two week check up. I get to pick which doctor I want to see, so I chose the very first one, because she seems the most down to earth. Plus I know she won't look at me like I am an idiot when I ask her my questions.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?
How are you feeling?
I feel pretty good still, though sleeping sucks. Can't get comfortable, and as soon as I do I need to pee. My 20-month-old is on the warpath this morning though -- half hour screamfest over me trying to put a diaper on him -- and now he and my babysitting kid seem to be having a contest to see who can make the shrillest, most annoying noise.
Any appointments, labs, etc?
Regular BP/Weight/HB check on Thursday.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?
How are you feeling? I'm feeling not that great honestly. I've been plugging along, but baby is putting a lot of pressure low in my pelvis, I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch by a horse, and my feet are swelling. At least once I get up and get moving a bit, the pain subsides but then my feet/legs get tired so there is no winning this one.
Any appointments, labs, etc? I've got my 32 week appt on Friday. Will have to suck it up and get my tdap this time, eh
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? Had a picnic with my family on Friday, a picnic with DH's family on Saturday and took my little chicks out berry picking yesterday. Which went well, except with DD1 fell/dove into a raspberry bush, which was covered in prickers and scratched up her face/ear pretty good.
How far along are you? How big is baby? 31 weeks / pineapple (yay to start of my eight month!)
How are you feeling? Same ol' same ol'... Tired, heartburn, lots of movement in a tight space, waking up at night, and just not being able to find a comfortable position sometimes. Lately I've had the "something sitting on my chest" feeling which sucks. But I'm getting excited for my baby shower this weekend!!
Any appointments, labs, etc? Nothing until 07/23
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? Went up to a family friend's house and used their pool and sunbathed, then came home and DH's family came over and we did BBQ and watched the fireworks from our front lawn area. DH also was able to move the crib from his parent's house where it was delivered to our house with BIL's help so we get to set that up sometime this week maybe and also BIL dropped off a huge storage container of my nephew's old clothes for us! So when I get home tonight, DH and I get to go through and see what we got
TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19
How are you feeling? Pretty good today. I am in total nesting mode and don't want to be at work. I just want to go home clean closets and shop for baby.
Any appointments, labs, etc? Tomorrow just a regular appointments
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? Went to Philadelphia and watched the fire works by the art museum and just hung out with DH and friends
How are you feeling?: Pretty good. Tired!
Any appointments, labs, etc?: I have my GD test tomorrow & get my Rh shot, Wednesday I have an other apt for my sciatic nerve and Thursday is our 28 week apt with a Growth Ultrasound. Busy week with appointments.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?: On Friday we went to my SIL's house for a bbq. When it started to get dark they started to set off Frieworks in the driveway and DH and I soon headed home. Call me a weirdo - but setting off the massive fireworks yourself at home 100% freaks me out. Things can go so wrong so quickly with them. Other than that -- DH and I spent the rest of the weekend doing projects around the house. We never had any R&R time and I am paying the price today for it, lol.
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
How are you feeling?
Any appointments, labs, etc?
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?
28 weeks the size of an eggplant!!!!
How am I feeling?
Mostly tired...been getting back pain increasingly more!
Any appointments?
Have an appointment before my birthday....last 4 week appointment, can't believe I'll be 30 weeks so soon!!!! And get to find out when we will be removing the circlage..
What did you do for the 4 th?
Took kids to see fireworks at the county airport... Was a great show!!!!
How I am feeling: miserable! Little guy is still on the nerves in my legs so I have numbness when I stand up. Heartburn for days. Nothing helps. Can't sleep. Oh and the pulling and stretching in my abdomen. Ugh.
Appointments: just got back from my 28 week appt. doing well. No weight gain and still down 5lbs overall. Baby is gaining more now and is up to 30%. Good sugars. I get to wait 3 wks to come back.
GTKY: we went camping with my family at the coast. 22 adults/older kids, 3 toddlers and a 1 month old. Fun trip and can't wait for next year. Watched fireworks over the bay and ate. A LOT.
How are you feeling? Overall pretty good. Pelvic pain has really kicked in the last few days so sleeping comfortably is becoming even more difficult.
Any appointments, labs, etc? Appointment & u/s last Thursday went well. Baby is growing right on track, but kept it's hand/arm by it's face so I didn't get to see much. I have two appointments with cardiologist this week.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? We went to my brother and sister-in-law's house for the annual block party. Every house hosts an activity, there's live music, and lots of food!
29 weeks/acorn squash
How are you feeling?
Tired! I'm not tolerating night shift like I used to, so work has been challenging. Like a few other ladies mentioned today, I'm also totally in nesting mode. We've been in the new house for a week, and I hate leaving it for work. I'd so much rather be be unpacking/cleaning/decorating.
Any appointments, labs, etc?
Next week is my last monthly checkup and then I move on to two-week appointments. I plan on talking to my doctor about whether I should consider switching providers/hospitals now that I'm a 45-min drive from our hospital (and potentially over an hour if traffic sucks). If I go into labor at work, though, the original hospital is much more convenient. Too bad baby can't weigh in and tell me which way he's leaning.
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th?
I worked all weekend, which was lame, but the hospital was pretty quiet so it really wasn't that bad. Plus that sweet holiday pay!
How are you feeling? Mainly tired, Im just getting crappy sleep.
Any appointments, labs, etc? I have a routine appt next Tues with my OB
GTKY: What did you do for the 4th? We went away to a water park for the weekend and also went to DH's tractor pull. We had a great time and it was fun to watch DS play at the water park, hes a pretty shy kid so its refreshing to see him become more outgoing. It was also good that DH got 2nd out of 12 with his tractor so that made the weekend even more enjoyable.