September 2014 Moms

UO Thursday

It is Thursday, right?

Unpopular Opinions, yo. Make 'em good.

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Re: UO Thursday

  • CiardasullyCiardasully member
    edited July 2014
    Being late to work doesn't gives anyone the excuse to act like a-holes in the employee parking lot. It's not my fault they didn't budget their time accordingly. I am all about being on time but safety comes first. I say this is a UO because it happens most days so I must be in the minority.

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  • I loathe professional maternity pictures. There has never been a time in my life where I wanted pictures taken of myself less than right now. And other people's just make me mad because they look like they don't feel like complete shit. 

    Thank you!! My in laws were all made at me because they wanted to get professional family pictures done and I asked if we could wait a few months because I'm huge! My husband actually brought it up and that's why I love him. But if we wait a few months the baby can be in the pictures too and we don't have to do it all over again like they were thinking.

  • ekh2081 said:
    Anyone read or see the movie of The Fault in Our Stars? I didn't think it was that great and I also didn't cry. I must be coldhearted.
    I definitely sobbed reading the book. Haven't seen the movie so I don't know about that.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    edited July 2014
    I strongly, strongly dislike Reba.

    Eta: And I have never been quite sure why.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

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     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • JustCricketJustCricket member
    edited July 2014
    ekh2081 said:
    Anyone read or see the movie of The Fault in Our Stars? I didn't think it was that great and I also didn't cry. I must be coldhearted.
    I thought the same. I thought it was meh, and didn't really connect with the characters. I am a very emotional person, so I did shed one or two tears, but not nearly as much as I would have if I liked it more. I also have ZERO interest in seeing the movie.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • I think that a lot of people who claim to be open-minded and accepting can be just as close-minded and judgemental as the people they profess to hate.

    Thank you!

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  • portentosaportentosa member
    edited July 2014
    MaggieG82 said:
    tromboner said:
    MaggieG82 said:
    I'm all for animal rights but a vast majority of PETA employees I have met drive me BONKERS! Their headquarters is near where I live, and trust me, they let you know they work at PETA. 

    edit: I fully accept the irony my post has in relation to ConversationFear's post ;-) 

    I've already gone into the many MANY reasons why PETA is terrible before.....  terrible, awful, hateful, hurtful organization that is NOT helping animals.

    ETA: Adding link to some of why PETA sucks for those that missed my post about them a couple months back. 7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA
    @tromboner - sorry to rehash stuff that's been covered, but yeah, I completely agree with you. 
    No sorries needed! Your post is good! I can totally see the people that work there being all up in your face that they are so awesome working for PETA.... idiots.

    I didn't mean to imply you were rehashing old stuff. I just can't pass a PETA post without saying they suck... but I didn't want to get all up in it either so I kept it short. One of my hills to die on I guess.
  • ekh2081 said:
    Anyone read or see the movie of The Fault in Our Stars? I didn't think it was that great and I also didn't cry. I must be coldhearted.

    I didn't read the book but watched the movie.  I called the ending though.  It was predictable to me.  I didn't like it.  I'm a very emotional person and I cried a couple of times but heck, I cry at commercials these days. 

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    tromboner said:
    MaggieG82 said:
    I'm all for animal rights but a vast majority of PETA employees I have met drive me BONKERS! Their headquarters is near where I live, and trust me, they let you know they work at PETA. 

    edit: I fully accept the irony my post has in relation to ConversationFear's post ;-) 

    I've already gone into the many MANY reasons why PETA is terrible before.....  terrible, awful, hateful, hurtful organization that is NOT helping animals.

    ETA: Adding link to some of why PETA sucks for those that missed my post about them a couple months back. 7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA

    I read your link and in regards to #7 - I want to know when Morrisey actually ate at a steak house. I'm surprised he could stop bitching and moaning long enough to eat anywhere, let along a steakhouse. :D


    (I know I totally missed the point of the article but I couldn't resist.)





  • MaggieG82 said:
    I'm all for animal rights but a vast majority of PETA employees I have met drive me BONKERS! Their headquarters is near where I live, and trust me, they let you know they work at PETA. 

    edit: I fully accept the irony my post has in relation to @ConversationFear's post ;-) 

    do you flip them the bird every time you pass the hq?? I know I always did, which was pretty much a daily thing when I lived up there. and I agree with all the others, they're a horrible organization

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • I loathe professional maternity pictures. There has never been a time in my life where I wanted pictures taken of myself less than right now. And other people's just make me mad because they look like they don't feel like complete shit. 

    Thank you!! My in laws were all made at me because they wanted to get professional family pictures done and I asked if we could wait a few months because I'm huge! My husband actually brought it up and that's why I love him. But if we wait a few months the baby can be in the pictures too and we don't have to do it all over again like they were thinking.

    We are having extended family photos taken for my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary at the end of July. I am so not happy I am going to be extremely pregnant but there is nothing I can do about it. Our family (40+ people) have been planning this since last fall since people have to travel from all over the country.

    As for maternity pictures -- we're having them taken BUT I am a miserable pregnant lady. I hate being pregnant and I feel like crap. Its the photographs job to make you look amazing regardless of how you feel though.
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • @crystalangel79‌ They have an issue with any meds that prevent an embryo from it also takes IUD's off the table.
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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    My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
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  • LTMamaLTMama member
    I think family photos with a bump are cute.  We had some taken two weekends ago and I can't wait to see proofs.  Didn't feel comfortable doing maternity photos just on my own, but I wanted to time our family pics so my bump would show. 

    As a child, I was irrationally annoyed by any family photos we had that were taken before I was born and therefore didn't include me.  So I like that our first professional family photos will include all 4 of us :)

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • 1) I love the ACA. It has directly impacted my life and the lives of many people I know. My friend's 4-month-old baby who needs a heart transplant would have already reached her lifetime max for health coverage if she'd been born pre-ACA. I wouldn't be pregnant right now if I didn't have access to the health care I can now afford because of ACA. I know a lot of ACA success stories. No, it's not perfect, but very few pieces of legislation are. The ACA is a hell of a lot better than what we had before. 

    2) Hobby Lobby is a corporation. Corporations don't have religious beliefs BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT HUMAN. Further, Hobby Lobby is not really anti-contraception

    3) Regardless of how you feel about the reproductive choices of other people (which is none of your damned business anyway) this is why the Hobby Lobby ruling is dangerous. And it hasn't even been a week. 
  • From what I understand, Hobby Lobby is not just a privately owned business - it would technically fall under a franchise, would it not?

    It's hard to find unbiased coverage on the situation, because like @SmileyGirl18‌ says, it's really a no-win, so almost all reporting on it has taken a side.

    I believe, but I could be wrong, it's a "closely held" company meaning it's owned by a few individuals or a family. It's not a publicly held company which means there are shareholders.

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  • Apparently, I've unintentionally said some things that rubbed ppl the wrong way. And no matter where I go or what forum I reply to, the old stuff gets thrown in my place. I didn't come here for drama. Got enough of that going on in my life.

  • I believe, but I could be wrong, it's a "closely held" company meaning it's owned by a few individuals or a family. It's not a publicly held company which means there are shareholders.

    I tried to figure it out before posting, but it seems to be almost a grey area. It's definitely private ownership from at the top, but there are 575 stores and they are opened and executed much like a franchise would be. Mind you, this is going from my high school business 101 knowledge, so they could easily fall into a class of business I'm not thinking of.

    My point really is if they are a franchise, that is a HUGE can of worms unleashed precedent-wise. Depending on who the sole shareholder of a corporation is, do they get to set rules for all of their franchisees to follow?
    Good question!

    According to the faqs on their website (I am on my phone but googled "is hobby lobby a franchise" and was the first hit) they are privately held and does not sell franchises.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good question!
    According to the faqs on their website (I am on my phone but googled "is hobby lobby a franchise" and was the first hit) they are privately held and does not sell franchises.

    Ah, I only Googled "Hobby Lobby franchise" and the snapshot of the page just shows the question "is Hobby Lobby a franchise?" When I click the FAQ page from my phone, it redirects to the main mobile page and I could not find it from the Full Site area (still on mobile).

    Thanks for clearing that up though. At least that is a bit of good news, since the ruling won't affect nearly as many companies going forward as I thought.
    Glad to help :-)

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    I'm preparing myself to be extremely unpopular here...if you flame, please be gentle. If the business owner's religious beliefs contradict your own, you don't have to work there. It isn't like anyone isn't aware that places like Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-a are run by conservative minded people. And it's not like they aren't covering any BC. Just the ones that are considered abortion inducing. 16 out of 20 methods are still on the table. I have other issues with Obamacare but I don't think a person who believes abortion is the ending of a life should be required to pay for it. I shudder to think that my tax dollars go towards supporting Planned Parenthood but there's nothing I can do about that...

    OK... I have hosed myself down with flame retardant. I'm ready.

    I agree and have said this from the beginning. Yeah - it sucks that they don't cover ALL forms of BC, but the fact of the matter is, they don't - so if you work for them either suck it up and deal, get your own insurance or find a new job. I've wondered anyway - are the majority of the people complaining about this even people who actually WORK for Hobby Lobby or has this been the uproar of individuals who've read about this, but have no affiliation with the company?

    I am amazed by all of the people who are acting totally shocked by the choices of this company (and Chick-fil-A) after it has been known for EVER that these are obviously Christian-owned, ultra-conservative owned companies. And then we are surprised that they don't support the same thing that a lot of the pro-life movement doesn't support?

    I know that's not even the whole point of what's going on, but it leaves me baffled every time I hear people rant about it.





  • This. They still cover 16 out of 20 birth control methods. They just don't cover abortion inducing drugs.
    Posting this to add, this is what I was referring to in my above post. Just FYI.
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    S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS

  • CarmAlarm said:

    This. They still cover 16 out of 20 birth control methods. They just don't cover abortion inducing drugs.
    Posting this to add, this is what I was referring to in my above post. Just FYI.

    I always thought it had something to do with a fertilized egg not being able to implant? For instance, the other methods keep you from "getting pregnant" (which in their eyes would be an egg being fertilized) whereas, with the IUD and Plan B the egg can be fertilized but is not allowed to implant itself in the uteran lining, therefore being deemed "abortion-like".

    I have no idea - I'm just guessing at this one. I've never used either so my knowledge of them is rather limited.




  • CarmAlarm said:

    Perhaps I should restate my original UO. The Hobby Lobby thing ISN'T ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL.

    But just for funsies, an IUD is abortion causing? Really? Why? Because it kills sperm with spermicide? Then I sincerely hope you've never used a condom. Or is it because the progestin they contain prevents fertilization? Oh wait, so do a ton of other pills. They are called BIRTH CONTROL. They are to PREVENT babies. All 20. Not just the 4 the chose and pretended were 'abortion' causing. If you've ever pulled out, used a condom, or used any method of birth control pill or implant, then you are intentionally attempting to prevent fertilization. But whatever.

    I totally agree. I'm always amazed how many people think the morning after pill causes abortion. It merely prevents fertilization/implantation, the same as REGULAR BIRTH CONTROL.


  • CarmAlarm said:
    Perhaps I should restate my original UO. The Hobby Lobby thing ISN'T ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL.

    But just for funsies, an IUD is abortion causing? Really? Why? Because it kills sperm with spermicide? Then I sincerely hope you've never used a condom. Or is it because the progestin they contain prevents fertilization? Oh wait, so do a ton of other pills. They are called BIRTH CONTROL. They are to PREVENT babies. All 20. Not just the 4 the chose and pretended were 'abortion' causing. If you've ever pulled out, used a condom, or used any method of birth control pill or implant, then you are intentionally attempting to prevent fertilization. But whatever.
    The arguments I keep hearing is that it "may prevent a fertilized egg from implanting" which is the same as an abortion to the person telling me this. The only one I have read that actually states that is Ella (the "week after" pill). But this is the same person that told me she felt the moment she became pregnant. I didn't ask if she meant egg meeting sperm or implantation. I had to step away from my computer to get away from the Bat Shit Craziness. 
  • @conversationfear Yes, that's technically the distinction.  However, as @mrsdaniellem2010 helped me see, apparently IUDs use progestin as the primary method while regular BC uses it as a back up in case their other hormones don't work? But either way, a progestin only pill (mini pill) or a regular BC pill would both contian progestin which changes the lining of the uterus just like the progestin in the IUD would, making it difficult or impossible for implantation. Meaning....once you break it down, is there really a difference?
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    S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS

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