Doesn't seem all that inclusive to not include HSHC or Sleep Easy.
ETA: Also to not include an option to see results.
I chose other. I read Sleep Easy and plan to put it into action when DD gets over her cold. She is a great sleeper....IN THE RNP. But she will be 6 months old on Monday and sits unassisted now. It's time to say goodbye.
I read this and we are using it as a rough guide. It's a great book. My LO still wakes up quite a bit some nights to nurse, and that is fine with me (at this point). I think we have some reverse cycling going on.
Me(32) + DH(32) TTC #1 since Dec 2011
RE consult Dec 2012, diagnosed with lean PCOS (didn't see that coming!) medicated cycles 1 - 4 = BFN
We used very modified Ferber method with DS which worked very well. Basically there was no picking up but we still went in at intervals to soothe him rubbing his chest/back so he could calm down. By third night he was falling asleep on his own without crying/fussing. With DD, it's hard to say what "method" we used. We just followed her lead. She definitely gets cranky if I don't put her down by 7, but still needs help settling down from time to time. If she cries, there's no waiting. I go in immediately and start rubbing her back and if that doesn't work, I pick her up to rock a bit. That usually does the trick. It's rare though. She's usually a good sleeper.
We are on day 5 of The Sleep Lady's Good Night, Sleep Tight book. It is working better than I could have imagined! I felt comfortable with what it required me to do.
Someone recommended the Baby Wise book to me and swore by it. I am thankful that I knew from this site not to waste my time reading it!
Re: What sleep training method did u use?
ETA: Also to not include an option to see results.
I chose other. I read Sleep Easy and plan to put it into action when DD gets over her cold. She is a great sleeper....IN THE RNP. But she will be 6 months old on Monday and sits unassisted now. It's time to say goodbye.
Married: 9.22.12 - DD: 1.7.14 - EDD 2: 10.30.17 - J14 OG
I read this and we are using it as a rough guide. It's a great book. My LO still wakes up quite a bit some nights to nurse, and that is fine with me (at this point). I think we have some reverse cycling going on.
Someone recommended the Baby Wise book to me and swore by it. I am thankful that I knew from this site not to waste my time reading it!