January 2014 Moms

What sleep training method did u use?

Joansmith1128Joansmith1128 member
edited July 2014 in January 2014 Moms
Did it work?

What sleep training method did u use? 85 votes

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65% 56 votes

Re: What sleep training method did u use?

  • @tarajeannette‌ it is, but i have friends who swear by it!
  • We used Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.

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  • @tarajeannette‌ it is, but i have friends who swear by it!
    Gotcha. I guess I was under the impression that it wasn't used anymore.
    It shouldn't be. Those friends are seriously misguided.

  • bethughkneebethughknee member
    edited July 2014
    Doesn't seem all that inclusive to not include HSHC or Sleep Easy.

    ETA: Also to not include an option to see results.

    I chose other. I read Sleep Easy and plan to put it into action when DD gets over her cold. She is a great sleeper....IN THE RNP. But she will be 6 months old on Monday and sits unassisted now. It's time to say goodbye.

    Married: 9.22.12 - DD: 1.7.14 - EDD 2: 10.30.17 - J14 OG
  • kiki1978 said:
    We used Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.

    I read this and we are using it as a rough guide. It's a great book. My LO still wakes up quite a bit some nights to nurse, and that is fine with me (at this point). I think we have some reverse cycling going on.
    Me(32) + DH(32) TTC #1 since Dec 2011
    RE consult Dec 2012, diagnosed with lean PCOS (didn't see that coming!)  medicated cycles 1 - 4 = BFN
    cycle 5 - metformin, femara 7.5mg, IUI #1, progesterone = BFP!!!
    beta #1 (13dpiui) 37, beta #2 (15dpiui) 104, u/s at 6w5d hb of 115
  • Read Ferber and used his techniques at 5 months old. It has changed everything for the better.
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  • We used very modified Ferber method with DS which worked very well. Basically there was no picking up but we still went in at intervals to soothe him rubbing his chest/back so he could calm down. By third night he was falling asleep on his own without crying/fussing. With DD, it's hard to say what "method" we used. We just followed her lead. She definitely gets cranky if I don't put her down by 7, but still needs help settling down from time to time. If she cries, there's no waiting. I go in immediately and start rubbing her back and if that doesn't work, I pick her up to rock a bit. That usually does the trick. It's rare though. She's usually a good sleeper.
  • Our babe sleeps throughout the day whenever wherever and at night it ranges but on average between 9pm to 7am
  • We are on day 5 of The Sleep Lady's Good Night, Sleep Tight book.  It is working better than I could have imagined!  I felt comfortable with what it required me to do. 

    Someone recommended the Baby Wise book to me and swore by it.  I am thankful that I knew from this site not to waste my time reading it! 
  • We haven't had to use one yet, she STTN great, naps not so much
  • Combo of Ferber and No-Cry Sleep Solution. I know, those two don't seem compatible. But it worked for us. 
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