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Gender Reveal: Shipping Helium Balloon?

Has anyone shipped a helium balloon before?

My Mom, Stepmom and Aunt all live out of state and I'd like a creative way to reveal what Grandbaby will be. I thought of shipping a helium balloon.. But not sure.

Open to all other ideas as well!!

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Re: Gender Reveal: Shipping Helium Balloon?

  • I don't think you can ship an inflated helium balloon. I would check with the post office to be sure.  In addition you would have to ship it over night or two day. The heat in transit might cause it to deflate if you ship it parcel post.

    If you want to do it with a balloon you could try a self inflating balloon. The person who gets it, basically smashes it with their hand and it inflates.
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  • What about filling a padded envelope with blue or pink Confetti? When they open the envelope the confetti will fall out. Put a note inside saying the sex of the baby and a pic of the ultrasound.
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  • I had my anatomy scan at 3pm. I wanted to talk about baby decor and baby names and how excited I was to have a 3:15. Take a pic of you holding a balloon and text it to them. That way you can be excited then and not 2 days later.
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