So I failed my 1 hour by 1 point on Monday so I'm back at Kaiser to do my 3 hour, and after my first blood draw, I started to feel faint and I passed out a few times at the lab. They have me lying down for the duration of the GTT because I'm insisting on finishing it so I don't have to redo it again but do you think this will effect my numbers?
TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14
TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19

Re: Just fainted at my 3 hour glucose test :/
TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19
I have no doubt I'll pass though, I went through this last pregnancy too. Many people fail their 1hr but go on to pass the 3hr. FX for you!
I'm sorry you passed out. But at least it is done and over with!! Hugs for good results!
TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19