September 2014 Moms

Just fainted at my 3 hour glucose test :/

So I failed my 1 hour by 1 point on Monday so I'm back at Kaiser to do my 3 hour, and after my first blood draw, I started to feel faint and I passed out a few times at the lab. They have me lying down for the duration of the GTT because I'm insisting on finishing it so I don't have to redo it again but do you think this will effect my numbers?
TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14
TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19

Re: Just fainted at my 3 hour glucose test :/

  • I have no answers but I'm sorry you fainted!


  • Sorry to hear your 3 hour isn't going so well. I'm not an expert, but I don't see how fainting could effect your numbers. My SIL fainted during hers, and got accurate results.

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  • I feel like as long as you don't puke, your numbers should be ok! I often pass out giving blood and had the same fear at my 3 hour test. Good luck the rest of the time!
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  • wrightpalomowrightpalomo member
    edited June 2014
    Fainting sometimes means that you have low blood sugar, so maybe you're just kicking this test's ass? Good luck and eat something before you leave that building!

    ETA punctuation  
  • Thanks! I hope I pass because I can't imagine having blood drawn more often, especially since this instance is not my first with blood getting drawn. It hasn't happened in a while since I haven't had to fast and I guess I've been lucky but this time, I just kept passing out. I was worried about LO but he's moving around like nothing's happened so that's good.
    TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14
    TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19

  • FX you pass this one!  sorry about the fainting spells!
  • Like PP said it should not affect your numbers. Try to relax and drink some water. I had my 3 hr Monday and talked to the lab tech about being worried about passing out since had happened at a blood draw this pregnancy and he said to make sure and breathe when they're drawing. Good luck today! My 1 hr number was 157 and I passed the 3 hr. Also beware that when I finally ate lunch Monday after the test I felt like I was going to faint so just wanted to give heads up.
    Big Brother Nolan 07.30.12
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  • I wouldn't think it would affect your numbers, but I'm sorry it happened!  Fainting is an awful feeling.
  • C0602tC0602t member
    So sorry (and nervous) to hear this! I faint anytime I have blood draw after fasting, OR anytime they take too long to get the job done. I'm praying I pass my 1 hour in 2 weeks.
  • I'm so sorry that happened. I also failed my 1hr (148) and had to do my 3hr today. Totally sucked. No beds to lie in like at the lab I went to during my last pregnancy and my veins were total assholes today. I got stuck 7 times instead of 4 and have lots of bruises.

    I have no doubt I'll pass though, I went through this last pregnancy too. Many people fail their 1hr but go on to pass the 3hr. FX for you!
  • Ugh, so sorry you fainted. Fingers crossed that you passed this time. I failed my 1 hour miserably (172) and go for the 3 hour on Monday. Not something I'm looking forward to.
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  • Ugh I'm sorry you passed out! I didn't pass out but I did throw up, but it was half way through the test so they said it was fine and I passed so hopefully you will too!
  • Oh I hear ya! I finished mine last week and about fell into the nurse a few times. That test is torture!! Why would you starve a pregant woman? So rediculous!

    I'm sorry you passed out. But at least it is done and over with!! Hugs for good results!
  • Thanks ladies! I think it was a combination of nerves, fasting, and the blood draw. I don't know why it hurts so much for me when I have to have blood taken, they always have trouble taking out of my arms because the veins are small and deep so they resort to my wrist. Got my results back and passed so I'm so glad I insisted on finishing. Good luck and FX for all you others who have to take the 3-hour!
    TTC #1: September 2013, BFP 01/01/14, DS 09/14
    TTC #2: October 2018, BFP 02/02/19, EDD 10/14/19

  • Does everyone else have their blood draw done from their arms? At both my 1hr and 3hr, they pricked my finger to do the draw, and I got my results back immediately. 

    Also, for anyone worrying about having a really high number for the 1hr test, I had a whopping 197 and still passed the 3hr, so it can be done!
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  • I had my 3 hour today and they did 2 sticks in my left arm and one in each hand. You are making me feel better about the possibility of passing the 3 hour @tatorhead328‌. Mine was 172 and I figured there was no way to pass with a score like that. Fingers crossed.
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  • JD83JD83 member
    I did my three hour test last week but have to wait until my next appt on the 8th to get my results. I'd like to think that if I failed the test that they would call me and let me know, but being the military, that would require someone to be proactive and accountable so it's not going to happen. I felt fine through the whole test though, just bored, so that has me a little worried.
  • I have my 3 hour tomorrow. Nervous :(
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