September 2014 Moms

Plans after this baby?

We are talking vasectomy! We have always said two kids would be plenty for us. I'm not going to push DH, but I really hope he follows through with this. It would be nice if he did it this year while our insurance deductible was met, but I'm not sure if insurance would even pay at all... Anyone else talking vasectomy? More babies? What are your plans?

Re: Plans after this baby?

  • We are talking tubes tied! Only because I'm having a C-section. 2 kids is plenty for me, no more!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • More babies for us. My husband is already talking/joking about me being pregnant next summer too!
    DD:3 | DS:1
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  • Since my man didn't get a son this go round, he wants to try again.  I don't know what I'll do as far as BC control goes after she is here.

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • We have been talking about the big V or something like an IUD for me. We are done having kids, so it is just finding something that we are both comfortable with. I don't want to do the pill again or not be on anything, despite needing fertility treatments.
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  • We are not 100% sure we are done, I think we will know once baby is born. We have 3 now so this baby will make #4. Time will tell  :)
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
                                   DS 10/02/09  DD 03/28/11
  • We are definitely done after this. This Baby makes #3 and that's enough for sure as we had originally agreed on 2 and done. If my vbac is successful Dh will get the big v. If I end up with a c section I will get my tubes tied while they are in there.


  • Right now, I'm still thinking one more. But ultimately we need to see how we both feel once this baby is here and we are adjusting. I'm not comfortable making any decisions like that until a couple months out. 
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  • edited June 2014
    My H is getting a vasectomy. We always knew we wanted 2 babies and we always agreed that after years of me being on hormonal BC, not to mention carrying and pushing out 2 babies, it's more than a fair deal, haha.


  • LTMamaLTMama member
    We're done, so we've talked about a vasectomy for DH (he actually offered, so, great!).  I may stay on the pill, though, just because my periods are really irregular and uncomfortable, so the predictability of the pill is nice.  I also want to ask my OB about an IUD.  So basically, not sure what we want to do, but definitely something effective!

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We want at least one more. Or to be more accurate, DH wants one more and I want two more. But we'll see.

    Both times I went on BCP, my cycles were long and irregular afterwards (it took us a year and a half to get pregnant with this one), so we're going to use condoms until we start TTC #2.

  • We're planning on more kids. Like @dinodna3‌ my DH is already talking about me being pregnant this time next year. That'll all depend on what my body does post partum. Ideally, I'd like to wait a year before trying again...with the knowledge that it could take another year and fertility treatments to get pregnant again.

    DH has already decided thay once we're done, he'll get a vasectomy. I love that he recognizes that it's less painful and less recovery for him than if I get my tubes tied.
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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    My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
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  • We are a one and done family. After our girl arrives in September, I will have a tubal if C-section or husband will have V this year.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • This one is our first. We both agreed we want two so I most likely will go back on the pills for a bit after September until we decide it's time to try again. 

  • We're planning on more kids. Like @dinodna3‌ my DH is already talking about me being pregnant this time next year. That'll all depend on what my body does post partum. Ideally, I'd like to wait a year before trying again...with the knowledge that it could take another year and fertility treatments to get pregnant again. DH has already decided thay once we're done, he'll get a vasectomy. I love that he recognizes that it's less painful and less recovery for him than if I get my tubes tied.
    This is my DH's stance on things and I am very very appreciative of it.
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  • We are done after this lite girl. I am leaning more towards and IUD rather than BC. My DH is afraid of getting a vasectomy.
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  • We are also done after this one. Our plan was two and that will be it. I took the mini-pill after DS was born and it really agreed with me so I am going to take it again for a while after this one while we discuss our permanent plan. I was originally going to have my tubes tied since I am having a RCS but now my crazy (unnecessary) paranoid brain isn't sure I want something so permanent done the second after this baby arrives. DH seems okay with the idea of the big V the little we've talked about it so I am hoping we will just end up going that route.
    S14 August Siggy - Drink Porn - Wine and a hottie (Matthew Goode)!
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  • Right now, I'm still thinking one more. But ultimately we need to see how we both feel once this baby is here and we are adjusting. I'm not comfortable making any decisions like that until a couple months out. 

    Same here. I feel like I want one or two more, but can't make that call just yet.

  • This is my first and we're planning for four so I have a long road ahead. We'll take a couple years off after she comes and then start trying for the second. Also for those with husbands getting a vasectomy, my aunt's friend got pregnant at 46 this year and her husband had gotten the procedure done a few years earlier... I'm guessing that's a rare case though.
  • Definitely vasectomy. No more kids for us!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is our first- we want 2 (well I want 3, he wants 2, i'm guessing we will have 3 :) ) so I'm not sure what I'll be doing after this guy. I've tried the shot and pill before and hated them, so who knows. Maybe IUD? When we are finished for sure, DH will get a vasectomy. So much easier for him to do it and less hormonal side effects!!!
  • We would like more than 1, but don't know if it will happen. First we need to see if we will be able to provide financially for a second child in a couple of years. Given that we would like a couple of years between kids, that would put me at almost 38 by the time we start trying for a 2nd one. So if we can afford another one, and if I am able to conceive and carry, then we will have another. (It's a crap shoot if genetics have anything to say about it - both of my grandmas had their last after 40, but my mom went through menopause at 37 - so we will see!) 2 would be our limit though! :D




  • This is our first. I'm fine with one, but DH wants two. We will see how this first one goes...

    I'll be going back on the pill.

    *O17 June Siggy Challenge - You had 1 job!*
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  • AR1of2AR1of2 member
    This is our first and we talk about having 2 or 3. In the first tri I said 2 would be plenty...but how quickly we forget, I am already back to wanting at least 2. :) I don't like the idea of going back on the pill after this pregnancy, but that'll probably be what happens for us until we are ready to try for #2 (years down the road...).
  • We want 3, this is our first. So I'm not sure what we'll do until we're ready to start trying again. I don't 100% trust condoms and I didn't like the effects that the pill had on my body (although I trust it more), so I'm looking into options. I like the idea of an IUD.

    DH is completely against a vasectomy when we do decide we're done. Idk why, but he very vehemently opposes it, but would be supportive to me getting my tubes tied. Which at this point I think is a bit unfair. We'll see when we get there.

    image Baby Girl born September 23, 2014


  • jortiz780jortiz780 member
    edited June 2014
    We've talked about 1 more, but I'm not sure. This is our first, but we waited SO long to have the first that it scares me to have any more (we met in 2004 and were married in 2006). I will already be 34 when I deliver this one. I guess we will see how we feel after we have her. 

    Edit: I'll add that I was never on BC for the entire 10 years, so I am wondering how this pregnancy will affect my body and hormones anyway.


  • This is also our first and we definitely want more; hopefully 2 or 3 more depending on how we handle this first one! We plan to start TTC #2 when this little girl turns 1, in the meantime we will probably just use the NFP method. I was on BC for 8 years prior to conceiving this little one and although it worked out fine, I'd prefer not to have to get back on and again in such a short period of time, although I also have ENDO so I might not have much of a choice in the matter if this pregnancy didnt drastically reduce it like my Dr and I have hoped!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • This is #5 (our 2, my 4th, his 3. Blended families lol) for our family and my H says done and he's going in for vasectomy. I don't like the permanent idea yet as I'm 31 and the older 2 are already 16 and 13, I may want one more in a few years. We will see what happens because he is really bad about going in to the doctor. No idea of the plan until we figure out what he wants to do.
  • We are very undecided on how many kiddos to try for. Our original plan was "until we get a boy" because dh feels the pressure to keep his family name going. I've always wanted a big family, but it took much more than I ever expected to get this far with one. I'd have done and would do just about anything to get to one, but after this we will see. While we decide we'll go back to using Creighton.


  • Rmj1022 said:
    This is my first and we're planning for four so I have a long road ahead. We'll take a couple years off after she comes and then start trying for the second. Also for those with husbands getting a vasectomy, my aunt's friend got pregnant at 46 this year and her husband had gotten the procedure done a few years earlier... I'm guessing that's a rare case though.
    It may not be as rare as you think. One of my good friends was conceived after her father had a vasectomy, and DH's cousin had an unplanned second child after her H's V. Apparently, though, the best way to prevent this is to make sure your guy is going in annually for a SA to make sure he's still sterile.

  • This is #3 for us and we are definitely done. After 2 girls, we are getting a boy, so we feel complete now. Had this one been a third girl we might've considered a 4th, but even then I doubt it. I'll be having a RCS and my OB offered to do the tubal ligation while she's in there, but I've been doing research and have read about a lot of very scary side effects, so I prefer not to go that route. Fortunately, DH offered to get snipped so that's what we'll do.
  • This is our first and we would like to have at least one took so long for me to get pregnant with this one that I'm on the fence about going back on the pill or just using condoms and my CBFM.  I'm open to having another one sooner than later...but we'll see.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are 2 and done.  My DH also volunteered to get a vasectomy bless his heart.  Insurance should cover it and since we're hitting our deductible I'm pushing for him to get it done this year.  My OB who referred the urologist said to setup a consult soon since sometimes the time between consult and procedure can be several months.  
    Big Brother Nolan 07.30.12
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  • definitely more babies!!! H wants them to be about 2 years apart (at first he said a year and I looked at him like he had 5 heads). but we'll see how we want to do spacing after LO is here and how delivery and recovery goes.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • Vasectomy all the way.  I'm going to be really paranoid about it somehow failing somewhere down the line, though.  I am so done after this kid!
  • This is our first and we definitely want at least two.  Assuming the next one is a boy, DH will get a vasectomy.  If it's a girl I can see him trying to talk me into doing this again... but I'm against having an odd number of kids, so then we'd be going for two more, and I don't think I'm up for that.  DH's mother had her tubes tied and yet ended up having another kid.  My mother had her tubes tied and ended up having to have a hysterectomy a few years later.  So we're both against me having my tubes tied.  At least we're agreed on that.


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • This is our first and we definitely want at least two.  Assuming the next one is a boy, DH will get a vasectomy.  If it's a girl I can see him trying to talk me into doing this again... but I'm against having an odd number of kids, so then we'd be going for two more, and I don't think I'm up for that.  DH's mother had her tubes tied and yet ended up having another kid.  My mother had her tubes tied and ended up having to have a hysterectomy a few years later.  So we're both against me having my tubes tied.  At least we're agreed on that.
    I hope you don't end up with 4 girls! 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • I think we'll try for another. We used NFP/P&P for 7 years before we started "trying" for this LO, and we got pregnant pretty quickly.

    Is there any truth to the point that a woman's body is more fertile for a period of time after giving birth?

    If so, we might have to add something a little stronger to the prevention mix until we are ready for 2.
  • We're completely gung-ho vastectomy over here! This baby was our surprise, and while we always considered a 4th, it will definitely stretch us pretty thin in more ways than one.
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • nienotnienot member
    This will be our first, and I am REALLY nervous about what is going to happen afterwards for a bunch of reasons.  I apologize if this is long, but I have been thinking about this a lot lately.

    Scenario #1- It was supposed to be difficult for me to become pregnant and maintain a pregnancy, because of Leep procedures I had as a teenager to remove cancerous cells.  Of course this pregnancy was a complete surprise.   I am not able to take hormonal birth control due to a blood clotting issue, so we prevented pregnancy for many many years by religiously mapping my cycles and simply avoiding sex during the 2 middle weeks of my cycle just to be extra careful.  Based on my cycle and the times we were intimate, I became pregnant with this baby sometime towards the end of my period, which is bizarre.  So, my first worry is that we somehow got extremely lucky this time, and won't be able to have any more children.

    Scenario #2- My husband will change his mind and decide he only wants one child.  Early on, I always said I wanted 3 (I came from a family of 4 and loved it).  He is an only child, and he has said two is perfect for a long time.  If we had one boy and one girl, I could probably live with only having 2.  However, occasionally, he will tell me how nice it was being an only child and how he wants to give that to his child.  That worries me, because I just don't think I can deal with only having one.  Our child won't have any cousins on his side, and my siblings are all quite a bit younger than me, so cousins won't come for a while.  So, I don't want our child to grow up without anyone to bond with...because for me, I loved having so many siblings and cousins.  As much as I sometimes didn't love it growing up, looking back I cherish the chaotic and always vibrant household I grew up in, but for him, he cherishes quiet and one on one alone time.

    Scenario #3- We get pregnant too quickly after baby #1.  This will be hard for multiple reasons, but mostly because of work.  I'm already going to wipe out all of my vacation days with this maternity leave, and another one too quickly would be SO difficult.  Add on top of that, preschool/daycare in our city is ridiculous.  Wait lists are incredibly long and I don't know if I can handle two in daycare/preschool at once.  However, given that this baby will be born right after the Kindergarten cut off, we are going to have 5 full years of paid daycare....instead of 4 if the baby were born a month earlier...and that extra year will cost us an extra $12,000...which is so stressful to think about.

    Ideally, we will have this baby in September 2014.  And maybe we will start trying again in September 2017 when I will be 30.  After that...who knows!
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