LGBT Parenting

Remembering Tavin Sara & Casey Elizabeth

Km672Km672 member
edited June 2014 in LGBT Parenting
So very sorry for the loss of your daughters

Me (32) DOR, elevated NK Cells/ 2 copies of MTHFR mutation/ MH (35) azoo/high DFI   (TTC#1 since 2009)

IVFs#1-4: (4/10-2/12) all BFN

Surprise Bfp (9/11) - c/p

DS IUI#1-2 (9/12, 10/12) - BFN

DS IVF: (11/12) - BFN

DE/DS IVF#1: (10/13) - 2 day 3 embies transferred-BFFN

FET of 2 day 6 blasts: (12/13) - c/p

DE/DS IVF #2: (4/14) - 1 day 5 blast transferred...BFFN...again.

FET 5/14: 1 day 5 hatching blast transferred...another BFFN

Repeat SHG 6/14-normal / Endometrial Receptivity Array biopsy 7/14-Receptive Uterus

New RE, additional testing reveals elevated NK Cells

FET of 1 day 5 blast (RE recommends transferring 1 due to elevated NK cells) with lovenox, steroids & intralipids in October




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