Orange County Babies

Baby Shower Locations?

My mom is throwing my shower, but lives in Laguna Beach and has absolutely no parking at her house.  Any recommendations for places to have a shower in south OC (25-ish people)?  Thanks in advance!

Re: Baby Shower Locations?

  • egen78egen78 member
    Strawberry cafe, Sherman gardens, a local park, a lot of the irvine company apartments have clubhouses you can use if you know someone that lives there. A church clubhouse??? Hope this helps!
  • Do you know if you want a place that serves food or just a room where you can have your own food and beverages? All the showers I have been to lately have been at a house but I was also thinking about an apartment clubhouse if you have any friends who may be able to help rent one out for you. Restaurants can be a little harder if you want to play games.
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