1st Trimester

I hate this season

Sooo, the day after Christmas I got the flu while I was 4 hours away visiting family for our huge family Christmas party.  I was so sick I couldn't make it home and the same went for most of my family that was there.  I ended up missing a day of work on Monday (the only day i was scheduled this week).  After about 5 days of puking and feeling aweful I got better and made it home.  I was well for about a day and then I got this really nasty cold which I've still got.  This morning I woke up with what I found out to be a UTI.  When I thought my week couldn't get any worse I get an email from my boss saying I'm fired because I was sick on monday (eventhough I called in).  I am so frustrated because it was a half the week live in position and they said they want me there early tomorrow morning to get all my stuff out.  My husband has the flu and between having a cold and a UTI I reallly don't want to move anything in this weather.  =(  
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Re: I hate this season

  • oh, you poor thing, you're a mess! 

    Do you happen to have proof of your illness (did you go to a Dr.) that you can provide to your boss, in hopes of getting your job back?  I don't think it's right of him/her to fire you when you were truly ill. 

    If you got meds today for the UTI, you should feel better by tomorrow. 

    I hope your cold lets up (try a Neti Pot, I discovered today that it's a miracle worker). 

    I hope your hubby feels better and that your luck turns around.

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
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    Our little man is getting bigger every day!
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  • I went to the doctor this morning and got meds for the UTI but when I got to the pharmacy the pharmacist was like "you can't take this if your pregnant, it says on the warning label not to."  My symptoms aren't as bad as they were this morning so I am holding out on taking them and chugging cranberry juice instead. 

    I wasn't working for a company, I was privately employed as a personal aid to 2 disabled girls but I was paid through the state.   I have never called in sick since I started back in July but ever since they found out I was pregnant and leaving in May/June they have been acting wierd so I think it was just an excuse.

    What's a Neti Pot? I haven't heard of one before but I am definitely interested!

    Thanks for the support!

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  • Try to get a prescription for an antibiotic you can take while pregnant. You need one to kill the bacteria causing the UTI- cranberry juice is not an effective treatment for a UTI (I think it's good for preventing them, though).
  • I'm going to call my doctor on Monday if i still have it to make sure that what I was prescribed is actually safe, since my symptoms are already not as painful as they were I think I'll be able to wait until then.
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