May 2013 Moms

NBR...T&P please **update**

nbatchennbatchen member
edited June 2014 in May 2013 Moms
Long story short I had been diagnosed with endometriosis 4 years ago and have had 2 surgeries for it since. Then we got pregnant with LO. Well he we are a year later and I am in horrible pain again. I went to the doctor today and he did an internal sonogram to see what is going on. He found a cyst on my right ovary. And the sonogram itself hurt horribly. He said that the endometriosis is back and I have four options.
1. Live with the pain for now
2. Have another surgery for them to scrape it off
3. Have my ovaries removed
4. Go on a 6 month treatment of Lupron
I am leaning twords Lupron but scared of the menopausal symptoms it causes! But he said after treatment my cycle will go back to normal and we could try for another LO.
I don't know the point of my post other than I am freaking out and no option seems like a good one to me!
So went back to the dr to discuss other options. Though I have had some issues with bc pills in the past we are going to try those in a continuous dose on top of leaving the Mirena in. The effects of the Lupron scared me too much!
Thank you ladies for all the thoughts and prayers!

Re: NBR...T&P please **update**

  • So sorry! T&P your way.
  • Sending T&Ps. Good luck.
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  • MamaMDMamaMD member
    Sorry you are dealing with this.  Of all the options the Lupron does sound the most reasonable but obviously you have to do what you are comfortable with.  Good luck!
  • I'm sorry you're going through so much pain. Sending T&Ps!
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  • What a sucky situation, so sorry you're going through this.
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  • KateRN08 said:

    Hey there I have endo too. Have you considered an IUD? I had the surgery and then an IUD placed and my symptoms were gone. It was great.

    I do already have a Mirena in place and have had it through the other surgeries also. Usually it helps a bit but this time it isn't stopping my cycle.
  • Sorry you are going thru this. T&p it passes soon.
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  • Sending T&ps!
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  • I was diagnosed with endo 13 years ago. After surgery, I did a 6 month round of Lupron. I wouldn't recommend it. If you haven't already, do as much research as you can on it.

    I took continuous bcp's for 12 years, no periods at all, and it really helped.


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  • MAdams728 said:

    I was diagnosed with endo 13 years ago. After surgery, I did a 6 month round of Lupron. I wouldn't recommend it. If you haven't already, do as much research as you can on it.

    I took continuous bcp's for 12 years, no periods at all, and it really helped.

    PM you!
  • pnutgpnutg member
    My OB thinks I have endo as well. She didn't test me but I have all the painful! In January, I got on a birth control pill and the pain completely went away. She said just go off it when I'm ready to try for another baby. I would recommend trying that before Lupron. Best of luck to you!
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  • I'm so sorry. Sending you my thoughts and prayers.

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  • So sorry. I have two sister in law's that went through or
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  • Oh boo. Sending creepy internet hugs your way.

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  • I'm late but sending you TnPs.

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