1st Trimester

what's with this.....

I am 8 weeks along. Earlier this week my stomach was telling me I needed to eat every hour. I didn't even want to eat but my stomach would hurt so badly if I didn't eat a few crackers or something.  Now I feel just fine and have been eating normal meals and normal times.  My first apt. is on Monday, it could not get here soon enough. I'm frantic that I'm going to have the u/s and there will be no heart beat or something.  Just venting I guess.....

Re: what's with this.....

  • I've had the same thing...I was starving every 3 hours last week, and this week is normal...at least your appt. is this coming week...mine's the following Tuesday.  I'm sure all is fine, and I understand your frustration.

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  • Always nice to hear that I'm not the only one. I do have constipation and heartburn so I guess those are "good" signs.  I never thought I would be so ready for the weekend to be OVER!
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  • That's happened to me, and I assure you it's normal.  I'll be starving all week and the next week I'm always full or feeling like I'll throw up so I don't want to eat anything.  Just relax and be positive! 
  • That's totally normal.   It's just your body needing nurishment.  I would go from feeling like I was going to get sick to being so hungry that I would have eaten my stapler if I had to.  Get used to it - your body is about to get pretty demanding.  Smile
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