@mullenem is in L&D!!
Can't believe BOTH my LBs are there at the same time!!!
Will post updates on
@mullenem here!!
Wishing her the best of luck!!!
Update#1: water was broken around 8pm, got her epidural around 9pm and is about 5cm at the moment... Baby girls heartrate is a bit lower then they would like; so internal monitors are in place, she's been progressing nicely without the help of pitocin... Wishing her a quick and pain-free delivery!!
Update#2: doctor is not liking baby girls heartrate, c-section is the plan now
@mullenem 's baby girl will be here soon!!
Update#3: she's here!! Sadie Bernadette arrived at 10:15pm on June 17th weighing 6lbs 6oz and 19.5in long! Sadie's cord was short and had a white spot ( they think this is what caused the low heart rate) mom and baby are doing well and Sadie is latching like a champ
Look at that little beauty!! Congrats
#1 DD June 2009
#2 DS July 2011
#3 DD June 2014
CP December 2015
M/C 8/2016
Rainbow & Babe #4 EDD 7.28.18
Re: @mullenem in L&D!!! Update#3 Baby is here!! :)
The bumpie formerly known as First Time in MI