September 2014 Moms

Nurse Thank You Gifts

edited June 2014 in September 2014 Moms
I've just discovered that this is a thing.....getting nurses a 'thank you' gift for after you deliver? Is this a common practice?

Will you be packing thank you gifts in your hospital bag?
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S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS

Nurse Thank You Gifts 206 votes

I am absolutely getting a thank you gift for my nurses!
14% 30 votes
This hadn't crossed my mind, but yeah, I think I'll do it.
6% 14 votes
No. I won't be doing this.
38% 80 votes
I haven't decided yet
22% 46 votes
Show me the results, wench.
17% 36 votes

Re: Nurse Thank You Gifts

  • I'd interested to see what ideas everyone has...I didn't know this was a thing, but it does sound nice
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  • @brittneyandadam The post I came across that prompted the question was this one
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    S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS

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  • I want to get a fruit basket or pastries for the nurses because I think it would be a nice gesture. I'm not sure how common it is around here because I hadn't heard of it until TB either.

  • Just saw this on Pinterest! I had never heard of it beforehand, but love the idea. The nurses who worked with me when I delivered DS were a godsend! I'm thinking something like this.....
    Ok, I will admit this is cute.... and easy to do. I could bring a bowl of these.

    I worry about with individual gifts it'd be too much stress trying to make sure each nurse got one. Some nurses checked in on me in the middle of the night when I was half asleep... I wouldn't remember to give them a gift, but they could grab a bag of M&Ms if they wanted.
  • We usually order too much carry out food or bring goodies to share. No real gifts though.

    C+C born June 2011

    Surprise! H born Novemeber 2012

    Baby #4 due September 2014

  • I work in healthcare and have to say that as a "thank you", food is always welcome esp junk food like cookies or candy or snack food or pizza-- it is nice to have esp on a a busy shift when you don't have a lot of time to grab food. 
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  • As a healthcare worker, yes, it's our jobs and we enjoy our jobs, but it's also nice to feel appreciated once in awhile. We are our patient's advocates and sometimes we have to be bullies to make sure the experience goes well and/or the patient gets what they need. I will not say its necessary but it makes a person feel good.
  • JustCricketJustCricket member
    edited June 2014
    I think it's going to depend on how I feel come August. I'm not sure if putting together gifts or food is going to be at top of my priority list, but I definitely understand how the sentiment is appreciated.

    eta-I can't spell

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  • AnyMaxAnyMax member

    As a healthcare worker, yes, it's our jobs and we enjoy our jobs, but it's also nice to feel appreciated once in awhile. We are our patient's advocates and sometimes we have to be bullies to make sure the experience goes well and/or the patient gets what they need. I will not say its necessary but it makes a person feel good.

    I am not against thanking someone. But the implication above by pp that you better give a gift to be treated nicely is bullshit.

  • @anymax yes, I agree with you.
  • My DH works in healthcare so I will definitely ask him what he and the nurses at his hospital think about thing. But he never thought to bring our nurses any gifts last time, so that might say something right there.

    I do hear about PITA patients and PITA families of patients often, and sometimes hear about really 'cool' patients so I agree with @damasked that just not being a PITA is very much appreciated.
  • I didn't even think about it the first time, I had a couple good nurses the others not so good. I might take some thank you cards this time but idk.
  • As my babies tend to be late and I hate not doing anything, I also tend to bake alot those last weeks. DH will take a box of home made cookies/squares/muffins in after he has gone home to shower and what not. So the next day they have something in their "office" area
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  • Maybe it's not considered a gift but I sent thank you cards to the two nurses that were amazing. I wrote how much they really helped me, and how I would always remember them, and that they touched both my life and my daughters. I can honestly say I still remember both their names and would love if they were my nurses again. (One was the nurse I had during labor. The second was one in postpartum care. Without the encouragement of the postpartum nurse I honest don't know if I would have been able to breast feed dd.)
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  • I had amazing nurses with my daughter and I am hopeful that one is still there. The second was a traveling nurse. I am a really low needs patient so I will reward them with candies and time passing entertainment. I actually got to know the nursing staff well because I didn't have many needs and when bored they would come in and chat!
  • I think it's nice to give them something to show they are appreciated. I had never heard of it until this thread.

    I definitely agree that this one of those pinterest things that make people feel bad because they don't do it. I also agree with @lstrejcek‌ that if a nurse is doing a better job because you brought some treats that's messed up.

    I'm a teacher and I appreciate all the little gifts that I do get. But it's not going to be why I do my best.
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  • kami09kami09 member
    See I'm probably going to do a little something - because I'm trying to go med-free. It's basically an "I'm sorry I may end up being a crazy bitch" gift. An apology in advance.
  • I sent a thank you card to the NICU nurses who took care of DD (and me too with water, juice, ice packs, etc... even though i wasn't their responsibility) and sent them christmas cards with her picture the first few years. I thought it was nice to let them know they still mattered to our family long after.
  • When I worked as a floor nurse it was always nice when pt/family brought a See's candy box. We all shared it with the other nurses, aids and other disciplines.
  • jg1011jg1011 member
    We brought pastries and cookies for labor and delivery/recovery nurses and another set for my maternity nurses. We were sure to deliver it to them close to change of shift so it covered both. As for NICU nurses we brought something in twice for them. DS was delivered in the midst of Hurricane Sandy and they were essentially working straight shifts without going home so it felt good to give them all a little treat.
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  • bainidhedubbainidhedub member
    edited June 2014
    Question for the healthcare professionals - I read somewhere that doctors/nurses appreciate gifts but prefer foods that can be eaten without touching them with bare fingers, so they don't have to worry about transferring any of the nasties they may have come into contact with during the day... Is that really a thing, or just that particular blogger's hangup?
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  • drae86drae86 member
    Def getting our midwife a gift basket but we'll be at the house. But I would if I was going to a hospital. If you bring cookies or something to the nurse station I've heard you get what you want a lot more and they're more receptive knowing your appreciative. Especially if you have a specific birth plan that isn't quite the norm. Doula was telling me she keeps the separated cookie dough in the fridge and when she gets a call to go to the hospital she throws them in the oven and gets all her stuff together so when she's ready to go so are the cookies. She said that works like a charm on nurses, fresh gooey warm cookies. Yah, would work for me too! 
  • LTMamaLTMama member
    When DD was in the NICU we brought cupcakes for the awesome nurses. Not as a bribe for good care, but because they had treated us so well and such good care of her. We also brought cupcakes on her first birthday and visited do they could see how big she was. We also got s gift for my OB, since DD went airborne at delivery and my awesome OB caught her one armed lol.

    It hadn't occurred to me to bring a gift for the other staff. My labor was so short and I tend to be a low maintenance patient, I feel like they didn't even notice me lol. But the idea of bringing a candy or pastry basket is nice, I think I'll do that this time.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
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  • I definitely don't think there is a "have to", it's just a nice gesture if you want to.  Certainly no one expects anything and I like to think you would still get the same care (assuming you aren't a complete a**hole to people).  I don't know if we are going to prepare anything (as stated before, I doubt that's going to be at the top of my list of things to do).  If we do any sort of thank you gesture, I would more likely bring it after getting discharged.
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  • @bainidhedub : No...not really true although I personally don't prefer to eat wings or ribs at work  :P  Everyone usually washes/sanitizes their hands regularly and esp before eating, or at least I do.
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  • No, we didn't last time and won't this time.  We did however bring many gifts for the NICU staff who cared for DS.

    Oscar born October 2011

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    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • I didn't even think about it the first time, I had a couple good nurses the others not so good. I might take some thank you cards this time but idk.

    I am thinking this, how many 'gits' do you make and do you pass them out whether they are good or not.  I also like the PP about just trying to be a nice patient.  Don't get me wrong I think it is nice to send a thank you somehow but I just think it is best to just say thank you and the end of their shift.


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