When you went in for an early u/s, did it reveal you to be earlier/ later then you thought?
I went in x-mas eve, they thought I should be 7 weeks ( I know I'm a late o-er and was really late in Nov., so I thought I was 6 weeks), u/s tech said I looked 5 weeks. They saw the yolk and fetal pole but no heartbeat. Just wondering if this happened to anyone else.
Re: u/s question
Yes. Mine was over 3 weeks off!
Mine was exactly what I thought. I knew the exact day I ovulated (due to charting) and shared that with my doctor. The baby was measuring the correct day based on that info - it would have been wrong if measured based on LMP.
I go back on Wednesday for a second u/s - we'll see how accurate it is then.
"You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..."
Thanks for all the responses. My biggest concern, was they first told us the pregnancy was going to be a m/c, after a couple weeks they determined they may have guessed wrong. But, at every appointment, they are neither positive or negative, they just keep saying wait until your next appointment. So, I am trying to avoid going crazy
I'll wait til the next u/s and go from there. Thanks again!!