1st Trimester

u/s question

When you went in for an early u/s, did it reveal you to be earlier/ later then you thought?

I went in x-mas eve, they thought I should be 7 weeks ( I know I'm a late o-er and was really late in Nov., so I thought I was 6 weeks), u/s tech said I looked 5 weeks. They saw the yolk and fetal pole but no heartbeat.  Just wondering if this happened to anyone else.

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Re: u/s question

  • Yep, happens all the time. My first u/s dated me almost 2 weeks behind their original EDD.
  • JCMJCM member
    Mine said I was two days earlier than I thought but what is two days. Is it possible that you ovulated later than you could have thought? ?I would wait to see what you next u/s says. ?
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  • Based on my last period, doc thought I would be 9 weeks, but I told them I o'd late and I measured 7 weeks at the first appointment. It can be frustrating b/c we wish we were further along, but everything will be fine. You're having a baby- how exciting! Congrats!
  • Yes. Mine was over 3 weeks off!


  • At 12 weeks, they did an u/s because the OB couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler. Turns out I was 9.5 weeks, not 12 as my LMP would suggest. It made sense, though, since I had gotten my first BFP at "7 weeks" after 2 previous negatives.
  • Mine was exactly what I thought. I knew the exact day I ovulated (due to charting) and shared that with my doctor. The baby was measuring the correct day based on that info - it would have been wrong if measured based on LMP.

    I go back on Wednesday for a second u/s - we'll see how accurate it is then. 

  • I had my first u/s at 7w3d and the tech determined me to be a week late, measuring at 6w3d. ?I wasn't charting so it didn't concern me too much.
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    "You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..."
  • Mine dated me 3-4 days later than I thought based on my LMP.  But, since my husband lives in a different state currently and I know when he was in town - I am really really sure what day I conceived.  So I've been using that to date myself.  I go back for my NT u/s at the end of the month, so we'll see how things are measuring then.
  • Yes, that happened to me as well.  I know exactly when I ovulated and thought I was 6w at my first u/s but it measured 5w2d.  Now it has made up that difference plus one day and I am slightly ahead of where I thought it'd be.  Basically the baby should come sometime mid-August.  Each u/s for me has been different.  DH says the 20 week u/s can date within 1 week of accuracy. 
  • I had my first ultrasound at what I thought to be about 9 weeks but the u/s tech said I was closer to 6.5 weeks, we were able to hear the heartbeat and everything looked healthy so it didn't make a difference to us.  I wasn't charting and I have never been good at remembering when my last period was, so I wasn't surprised. 
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  • Based on my LMP the baby is due May 31, but I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks 2 days that dated the baby May 30...so I guess he is right on track! My "big" ultrasound at 16 weeks 2 days dated the baby at May 24. My OB said that the early ultrasounds are actually more accurate at predicting the due date...learn something new every day!
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  • I went in at 7w3d for my very first OB appt and they measured the baby on the u/s and it measured correctly.We seen the HB blinking and got to hear it as well! I have a very regular cycle though so i'm sure that has something to do with it.
  • Thanks for all the responses. My biggest concern, was they first told us the pregnancy was going to be a m/c, after a couple weeks they determined they may have guessed wrong. But, at every appointment, they are neither positive or negative, they just keep saying wait until your next appointment. So, I am trying to avoid going crazy :)

    I'll wait til the next u/s and go from there. Thanks again!!

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  • My first ultrasound was dead on with my LMP. 
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