1st Trimester


Anyone notice a remarkable increase in the amount of sneezing and the violence of your sneezes since being pregnant? I can't stop and on a full bladder it's an accident waiting to happen.

Re: Sneezing

  • Right there with you! I thought it was something in the air, but I sneeze 3 times in a row and often several times throughout the day.
  • Actually, yeah. I've been waiting for my "cold" to get bad for like a month now.. but it hasn't so I gave up on it.
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  • JCMJCM member
    My allergies have been acting up and my sneezes are more intense.
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  • I've had a wicked cold for the last 5-ish days...it's starting to let up a little now, so I imagine it will just be allergies from here on out...but...I haven't really noticed whether the sneezes were more intense than normal since I haven't had a cold in over a year.

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
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  • I think the sneezing has to do w/ the stuffy nose.

    And I think the violence is all in our heads... I think it just has to do w/ our awareness of the fact that it feels like our babies are getting rocketed around like ping pong balls when we do sneeze... 

  • I have been sneezing a lot more often (but not harder) since getting PG.
  • Oh. I guess I haven't been sneezing harder. But I guess they've been more "productive" then normal, if that makes sense.
  • I am right there with you, I have been sneezing, congested etc since I was about 5 weeks along...yeah it's been a long month....
  • I have been sneezing a lot too, at least I think more than normal.  We might just be more aware of it though.  I know I am more aware of it than normal because my entire abdomen hurts when I cough/sneeze!
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  • I sneeze my cats off of me and wake the dead. Unfortunately, my husband was always the scary sneezer and I imposed a mandatory 'You Must Warn Me' especially when we are in the car. It's terrifying how loud and violent his are. Mine were always sweet and rather delicate. I'm now matching him, much to his great pleasure.

    I've sneezed 8 times since I posted this topic. That's more than I would sneeze in a month before.?

  • Yes! I thought I just developed allergies. I've peed a little two times from sneezing. And I feel like I always have boogies but when I blow my nose there's nothing. I'm sure I look like a coke head as much as I'm rubbing my nose.
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  • It only gets worse. I pee on myself daily. Go ahead and invest in panty liners. Wink
  • Yup!  I've been sneezing at least once/day but I don't have allergies and I'm not sick either...it's really wierd!  None of my books talk about sneezing as a symptom..but I guess I'm not the only one...interesting...
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  • I've read that it has to do with the membranes in your nose softening just like all the other smooth muscles do because of progesterone.?
  • Plus, pregnancy lowers our immune systems... so there's the increase in cold symptoms!
    Married to Patrick - 8.9.08 Mom to Lennon - 9.1.09 Expecting #2 - 5.20.12
  • Do some Keegels, that's the only thing that saved me towards the end especially.
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