I'm wondering if Natalie has some gas issues - she doesn't burp all that often after BFing but farts a LOT. How do you know if your baby has gas issues?
I've found that Allison arches her back and kicks her legs out when she's having gas pain. We give her gas drops when she's got a clean diaper, has been fed, and is not due for a nap. It seems to work!
Yeah, she's been doing a lot of grunting and when I burp her I don't get much, but then a little while later she will often burp on her own and spit up a little (or a lot). I'm going to ask the pedi at our appt on Wed. She's been doing a lot of weird things when we go to feed - gets very frustrated, shakes her head and tries putting her fist in her mouth and grunts a LOT, and goes from being clenched up to stretched out. Hmmm ....
Natalie sounds just like my Kate did before she was diagnosed with Reflux. Since she has been on the medicine most of the symptoms are gone and feeding time isn't as stressful for us or her. Both my babies have reflux and they are on medicine two times a day and it has really helped them both.
Re: Symptoms of gasiness?
Natalie sounds just like my Kate did before she was diagnosed with Reflux. Since she has been on the medicine most of the symptoms are gone and feeding time isn't as stressful for us or her. Both my babies have reflux and they are on medicine two times a day and it has really helped them both.