
** Dukes Girl**

Sorry to be a pain, I just have never heard of the sperm causing issues with implantation.  You think you are out of the woods when the eggs are fertilized and they are good quality.  I went on line and was reading.  They said there are tests that they can run for DNA fragmentation in sperm, so you would know if this is causing the problem.  Just scared me that there could be a whole other issue than just me...  I do truly appreciate all of your feedback though.  Hopefully this next one will work for you!!!!

Re: ** Dukes Girl**

  • You're not a pain!!

    Yeah, I had to go to "Dr. Google" myself for that one. It seemed out of left field, but I think b/c of our severe MFI diagnosis (very low #s across the board Sad), my doctor came to the conclusion of donor sperm without any further testing first. We would definitely do some more testing before jumping to donor sperm, though--no doubt!

    Remind me-what is your diagnosis? Don't let it freak you out, but It might not be a bad idea to ask your RE what he thinks about this. Just to see how he feels.

  • Also, what other tests is your RE recommeding? Will you be starting these soon? I'll keep you in my prayers!
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  • So far my diagnosis has been PCOS.  I have not been ovulating.  My doctor has been shocked when the FET's have not stuck... I am meeting with him on Tuesday to discuss the further tests that he would like to run on me.  So I am not sure about that yet. It is just so overwhelming, and I feel like half of this is a guessing game.  Now my husband did have some morphology issues, but the doctor said that ICSI would take care of that.  I will definitely be asking. You take care!!!!  I will be thinking of you!

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