how did telling your parents go? I paged you on pets the other day about how scared I was to tell mine, we're in the same situation as you as to the amount of 'planning' this baby had haha. Hope it went well!
Errr... it sort of didn't go! I totally chickened out. And kept giving DH death glares if I thought he was going to bring it up. I think I'm going to call them, I can't do it in person!?
I know they will be happy eventually, but this was SO not the time for a baby. I'm happy and we are making it work... but I JUST started a new job, DH probably needs a new car, we are buying a house within a year.... I could go on and on! Oh, and DH graduates next December. Woo hoo! lol
How did it go with your parents? Everybody keeps saying, "Oh it will go so much better than you think.." but I'm not so sure! ?
No worries, I totally tried to chicken out too, DH kept looking at me and I kept pleading with him to shhh haha, but we had put it off a while already and we had seen an u/s so there was no real reason to put it off. I thought I was going to throw up. We just moved, DH just got a new job, just bought a house, I just started my own business with my mom ... and we didn't even know that we wanted kids haha.
I hate to continue the cliche but they were really supportive and excited, it was the biggest relief ever and my mom feels horrible still that I was so scared to tell them.
Oh I hope my parents surprise me! They have always been uber involved in my life (Dh's take on it is controlling, lol). I've gotten better about doing what I want instead of what I think they want, but it's still hard. They seem to think they have a say in everything- where we live, what my job is, how many pets we have, etc. Oh well, guess they will figure it out soon enough!
We go to the doctor on the 26th, and I will be almost out of first tri by then.. so I guess I'll tell them before the end of January! ?
I've had my fingers crossed for you and will keep them that way, I know you were stressing about life a bit before BFP too (on pets) so I am hoping your parents won't add to the stress.
I think the worst part of the whole pregnancy so far was worrying constantly about how they would react, now that they know I am doing much better. My parents are super involved with us too and very much helped us get settled financially a few years ago so I feel like I am constantly trying to draw a line there but DH luckily really enjoys them and doesn't mind our involvment with them (we don't speak to his fam).
It's hard but I'm hoping they respond well and you can catch a break!
Yeah it was literally the worst time for us to get pg. Damn condoms! I am doing much, much better though... actually I got much better pretty much right away after I quit taking the medicine and quit seeing my therapist. I would like to find a new one, but the one I had been seeing was too negative. She kept telling me to cut my parents totally out of my life, and that made everything SO much more stressful. My entire family lives in our town and is so, so close. Cutting them out and basically ignoring them just made me feel conflicted. And as for the medicine... well I was prescribed almost 4x the normal dose of a medicine very similar to Valuim. No WONDER I was going nuts!
The pregnancy is going really well though and my husband is so, so excited. I've told my two cousins who are my age and are my best friends, they both have babies that will be within a year of ours That will be fun. ?
That's great news! I am so glad it is going better, now all you have to get through is telling the parents and then it's smooth sailing! (just that raising a kid thing haha not that I'm freaking out or anything)
Re: **cindy**
Errr... it sort of didn't go! I totally chickened out. And kept giving DH death glares if I thought he was going to bring it up. I think I'm going to call them, I can't do it in person!?
I know they will be happy eventually, but this was SO not the time for a baby. I'm happy and we are making it work... but I JUST started a new job, DH probably needs a new car, we are buying a house within a year.... I could go on and on! Oh, and DH graduates next December. Woo hoo! lol
How did it go with your parents? Everybody keeps saying, "Oh it will go so much better than you think.." but I'm not so sure! ?
No worries, I totally tried to chicken out too, DH kept looking at me and I kept pleading with him to shhh haha, but we had put it off a while already and we had seen an u/s so there was no real reason to put it off. I thought I was going to throw up. We just moved, DH just got a new job, just bought a house, I just started my own business with my mom ... and we didn't even know that we wanted kids haha.
I hate to continue the cliche but they were really supportive and excited, it was the biggest relief ever and my mom feels horrible still that I was so scared to tell them.
Oh I hope my parents surprise me! They have always been uber involved in my life (Dh's take on it is controlling, lol). I've gotten better about doing what I want instead of what I think they want, but it's still hard. They seem to think they have a say in everything- where we live, what my job is, how many pets we have, etc. Oh well, guess they will figure it out soon enough!
We go to the doctor on the 26th, and I will be almost out of first tri by then.. so I guess I'll tell them before the end of January! ?
I've had my fingers crossed for you and will keep them that way, I know you were stressing about life a bit before BFP too (on pets) so I am hoping your parents won't add to the stress.
I think the worst part of the whole pregnancy so far was worrying constantly about how they would react, now that they know I am doing much better. My parents are super involved with us too and very much helped us get settled financially a few years ago so I feel like I am constantly trying to draw a line there but DH luckily really enjoys them and doesn't mind our involvment with them (we don't speak to his fam).
It's hard but I'm hoping they respond well and you can catch a break!
Yeah it was literally the worst time for us to get pg. Damn condoms! I am doing much, much better though... actually I got much better pretty much right away after I quit taking the medicine and quit seeing my therapist. I would like to find a new one, but the one I had been seeing was too negative. She kept telling me to cut my parents totally out of my life, and that made everything SO much more stressful. My entire family lives in our town and is so, so close. Cutting them out and basically ignoring them just made me feel conflicted. And as for the medicine... well I was prescribed almost 4x the normal dose of a medicine very similar to Valuim. No WONDER I was going nuts!
The pregnancy is going really well though and my husband is so, so excited. I've told my two cousins who are my age and are my best friends, they both have babies that will be within a year of ours
That will be fun. ?