Parenting after a Loss

so unpredictable.

Conner fell asleep nursing around 1:45. I layed him down at 2; he woke up at 2:15 to nurse some more. THen he slept but woke up every 10 mintues. a half hour ago, he wanted to nurse (AGAIN). I nursed him, he fell asleep. I layed him down. He woke up...see the pattern? I decided that I was done with that so we came downstairs and I put him in his bouncy seat with the vibration on. He just fell asleep on his own. I guess the joke is on me! LOL

Re: so unpredictable.

  • is the incline in the crib not high enough for his reflux? Can you get something to put under his mattress to vibrate??
  • the pnp does vibrate. lol. maybe he just didn't want me patting him? who knows. He woke up again and is now sleeping on me.
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  • Does he take a pacifier?  It sounds like he's wanting to comfort nurse instead of actually eating.  Your night sounds exhausting though! 
  • imagesdkrlm:
    Does he take a pacifier?  It sounds like he's wanting to comfort nurse instead of actually eating.  Your night sounds exhausting though! 

    he wouldn't take the pacifier. this was during the day though.

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