Pregnant after a Loss

brown spotting after pap and internal ultrasound?

I'm thinking this is normal but my pgal brain has never freaking out a little. We had our first appointment yesterday. Everything looked perfect the doctor said. We saw the heartbeat and it was beating at 148. They had to do the internal ultrasound to get a more accurate measurement since it's so soon after my miscarriage. I'm measuring 7 weeks 2 days. They also did the pap and internal exam. I had no spotting until last night. A little brown spotting. Then this morning after I have been up for a few hours I just noticed some light pink spotting. Is this normal! I called and left a message for my doctor waiting on a call back. TIA!
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Re: brown spotting after pap and internal ultrasound?

  • When I had the pap, the PA told me that spotting for the first 4 hours after the exam was normal.  I had brown spotting until the next morning (more than 4 hours).  Your cervix is very sensitive right now and a pap is rough to it, especially if you also had an internal u/s.  FX crossed that you just have a sensitive cervix that is annoyed about being roughed up!

    My fur-babies Chuck Norris, Stella, and Lucy

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    BFP #2 3/12/14; baby girl born 11/21/14          
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  • I hope the doctor calls back soon to put your mind at ease.  For what it's worth I ALWAYS spot after pap smears, pregnant or not.  COngratulations on the beautiful heartbeat!

    TTC since October 2012

    BFP#1 1/11/13, EDD 9/19/13, M/C at 9wk6dy 

    BFP#2 11/12/13, DS born 7/28/14!

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  • I have not had a pap with this pregnancy but I did have some brown spotting after my trans-vaginal u/s.  They had me come in to check on the baby and everything was fine. My OBGYN said it was likely just old blood that came out as a result of the wand moving around.

    I hope your Doctor gets back to you soon!  
    Began trying for a baby January 2012
    BFP 4.25.2013  EDD 1.3.2014  MMC 6.3.2013  D&C 6.19.2013
    BFP 11.3.2013  CP 11.6.2013
    BFP 3.31.2014 EDD 12.10.2014 Baby boy Carlson born 12.19.2014 
  • Yep, pap can do it, brown is old blood, probably from the pap.... :-)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Sounds like you've gotten some great advice so I'll just offer ((hugs)) because it sucks seeing spotting no matter what the cause is.
    BFP #2 3/19/14      EDD: 11/28/14
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    BFP #1 7/22/13   EDD 3/29/14   MMC 8/13/13
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  • jnedenjneden member
    Thanks everyone for the support! The doctor said it's completely normal and I should only worry if I see red blood and have cramping. I'm feeling better now! :)
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