If I were being really good, I'd not color my hair at all as that goes more along with what I believe, but I just can't not do it. My hair color is disgusting. lol I've been both blonde and brunette before as you can tell from my bio and right now I am dark with a few carmel highlights.
I am definitely waiting until after 1st tri to do anything, but I am thinking I'm just going to get a bunch of blonde hightlights and slowly go back to blonde.... Do you think it will make a big difference to do just highlights instead of all over color since everyone says that's much worse? Anyone else planning on going blonde?
Re: Anyone planning on becoming a blonde?
Jacob Alexander 7/23/09
Allergic to Dairy, Eggs and Peanuts
Jameson Adam 6/1/11
Allergic to Peas...so far
If you're going darker how are you not going to get any on your scalp? The only way to avoid that is highlights instead of all over color?
That's cute - blonde to match the baby! I switch it up every few years, so I guess it's about that time again for blonde anyway
I will see what my hair stylist says in a couple months!
I usually go darker for the winter/fall and lighter in the summer. My hair is seasonal, lol. ?
Same here! I've been blonde, brunette a little of everything. DH is brunette (with a little grey...hehe!) I am naturally blonde and my 15 mo. old is toe-head blonde, so after 1st tri, I'm going back to blonde to match my babies!!! Can't wait... even though after I'm blonde- I'll want to go darker....why do we do this?!?!