November 2014 Moms

Temporary freak out thanks to online doctor portal

I have a love/hate (mostly hate) with my doctor's online health portal thing. Sure it's nice to be able to go there and see test results and all but sometimes you just don't want to read what they have to say about you. For example my primary care doc described me as "well nourished" in a note (hmmm) and then once after discussing concerns about not being able to lose weight I magically had "obesity" added to my list of concerns. Gee, thanks.

The worst, though, was yesterday! I had a 2nd NT Scan scheduled for yesterday (they had tried last Monday but baby was measuring a little too small to get the measurement) so I logged in to the site to make sure I knew where I was going for the appointment, and noticed that my last visit (where they couldn't get the NT) was titled "PREGNANCY WITH INCONCLUSIVE FETAL VIABILITY" -- UMMM excuse me, WHAT??? I had to remind myself that the doctor had said everything looked fine at the time but boy was I glad to see baby doing backflips at the NT Scan yesterday (which was normal)! I told the doc about it yesterday and he said it was probably a data entry mistake or just the wording they use when they can't complete the test. Either way... wtf!

Anyone else have the online portal thing?? Yay or nay??  

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Temporary freak out thanks to online doctor portal

  • I have it but they don't put sensitive things on there like NT scan results - I had to call for them. 
    Sorry you had to see that!




  • I don't have access to an online portal. If I read what you did I would have freaked out! Glad everything is ok.
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  • I'm so sorry. I have an online portal but they don't put things like the NT scan results or Panorama test results on there just stuff like thyroid, blood type and other general tests.
  • abbyfulabbyful member
    Sorry about the scare! I wish they would be more careful with wording.

    With DS, I had an ultrasound around 36 weeks I think, because my stomach started measuring smaller. He had dropped, so that's why. But on my online chart it said something like "poor fetal growth". He came out a few weeks later 7 pounds 15 oz, so his growth was just fine!

    Maybe it has to do with the insurance billing codes? Maybe they know that insurance is more likely to cover something "serious", so that's how they chart it? I don't know though, I'm not a medical professional.

    Baby Birthday Ticker

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  • Don't take offense to the "well-nourished" comment! It sounds odd, but that is actually very common. I review medical records as part of my job and see this on every chart. All it means is that you're not malnourished. :-)

    Me: 34; DH: 38; SD: 9
    TTC #1 since November 2013

    BFP #1: 2/4/14--EDD 10/14/14--CP 2/8/14

    BFP #2: 3/1/14--EDD 11/15/14--MMC at 12w6d (baby stopped developing at 11w4d)
    D&C 5/13/14; Retained Tissue Found: Cytotec 5/30/14; 2nd D&C 6/20/14

    BFP #3: 12/13/14--EDD 8/27/15--MMC at 7 weeks (no fetal pole and measuring 1 1/2 weeks behind)--Cytotec 1/9/15

    January 2015: Off to RE for RPL testing

      Image and video hosting by TinyPicAugust 4


  • aa98aa98 member
    abbyful said:
    Sorry about the scare! I wish they would be more careful with wording. With DS, I had an ultrasound around 36 weeks I think, because my stomach started measuring smaller. He had dropped, so that's why. But on my online chart it said something like "poor fetal growth". He came out a few weeks later 7 pounds 15 oz, so his growth was just fine! Maybe it has to do with the insurance billing codes? Maybe they know that insurance is more likely to cover something "serious", so that's how they chart it? I don't know though, I'm not a medical professional.
    I'm sorry you had to see that too, how awful.  I think like @abbyful said, it's more about insurance billing codes as to why they initially ordered the test and not what the outcome was and sometimes they have to use funky or badly worded codes to get coverage.

    My funny story is that after I changed OB practices, my pregnancy disappeared from my problems list at the original practice so when I went for a regular checkup with my PMD (at the same practice as initial OB), she was like oh wow, I didn't know you're pregnant, are you getting prenatal care?  Apparently if I don't deliver with their practice it's like the pregnancy never existed, LOL
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Our first!!!

  • Pretty sure the bad wording has to do with benign able to bill your insurance appropriately. Glad to hear your little one is doing well!
  • Nfranco973Nfranco973 member
    edited May 2014
    The hospital that I OB with has this medical records portal. I think it's a good idea because it allows you access to your medical info. However, My NT results I did not have access through this portal. Somehow there are certain records you still have to go through the hospitAl records for. They do not provide on the portal I use.
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