Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Nursing Q: any success from exclusive pumping to nursing? Feel like in a middle of a crisis !! :(

firstkidfirstkid member
edited May 2014 in Babies: 3 - 6 Months
My daughter is 3.5 months and during all these months I've had to try a nipple shield, occasional pumping , exclusive nursing and exclusive pumping. And that is due to her having latch issues and a tiny mouth. Now it's been close to a month that I've been exclusive pumping and she's so used to the bottle. I would want to go back exclusive breastfeeding desperately. My question - did anyone transition from a pump to bottle at this age and how long did it take. My LO stays at the breast for 5 mins ( she also very interested in the surroundings and doesn't care even if it's just a plain white wall she's staring at) after a session of crying and pushing her a bit. Do I have to bottle her up after a breast feeding session / alternate breast and pump? Do I really need to see a LC? And to add shez just 11 pounds at her 2 weeks back (born 6.65lbs)

Re: Nursing Q: any success from exclusive pumping to nursing? Feel like in a middle of a crisis !! :(

  • arheinsarheins member
    My LO had latching issues when she was born and i had to exclusively pump. I still occasionally offered her the breast whenever she would do the "rooting" gesture. At 9 weeks she latched on (with some fussing granted) but then i could offer it to her and she would latch. After about a week she stopped with the crying everytime she latched on. Now she is 24 weeks and goes from breast to bottle without any trouble. (She gets a bottle from her dad when i am at work and then i breastfeed whenever i have her)
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