September 2014 Moms

Take home outfit

edited May 2014 in September 2014 Moms
I know it's early, but what are your thoughts on a special take home outfit for the baby?


Take home outfit 305 votes

I'm totally doing one and will make sure to take pictures. I might even put that thing in a shadow box.
23% 73 votes
I'm doing one but not commemorating it in a special way.
42% 129 votes
I haven't decided yet.
19% 60 votes
We aren't doing a special take home outfit
10% 32 votes
Special snowflake?
3% 11 votes

Re: Take home outfit

  • My DH is very into the take home outfit. He has been looking online and sending me links. Haven't picked one yet.

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  • jg1011jg1011 member
    Yes.... We'll do one---esp since last time we were team gene and had a neutral outfit. Well had one in blue and pink but bc he was 5 weeks early yet were too big! When we found out we were going to deliver that day DH's sister ran out and got a preemie newborn one. She wanted us to have it that day so it was neutral. That's what he came home in as the blue outfit was too large!

    So while no shadow box--- def pictures of him in it! Hopefully minus the NICU this time around!
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  • suiternsuitern member
    We had two little outfits for DS depending on what the temperature was outside. In hindsight, I should have went with my Mommy instinct instead of what DH wanted because it was freaking freezing and we went with the cotton over the fleece! This time, I will have something again but we won't do anything super special with it.
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  • We did a take home outfit with DD and put it in a shadow box with all her hospital things. Will probably do the same for this one.

    We are planning on this too, Zoey! I bought a preliminary outfit today on clearance but I'm not 100% on it.


  • I want to do a cute take home outfit, but haven't come up with one yet. And we take pictures of everything so even if it's not particularly special, we'll probably take a picture.

    image Baby Girl born September 23, 2014


  • We will have a take home outfit but for dd1&2, my mom had gotten outfits (one boy and one girl) so I am assuming she will do that again.
    image        image
  • SS:  When DD was born, my mom gave me the outfit that they brought me home in.  I had no clue that she had kept it all these years; she had never mentioned it before.  It's what we brought DD home in, and I'm probably going to use it again for DD2.  I like the idea of it, but it is pretty ugly, very 80's, and HUGE.  I wasn't a huge baby, but for some reason, this thing would fit a 9 month old.  Still, we'll probably use it for sentimentality's sake.
  • My mom is giving me the outfit i came home in, so we'll use that for our little girl when she comes in a few months.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Is there anything extra special about the "take home outfit" that I'm missing? It's just a cute outfit, right? 
  • Is there anything extra special about the "take home outfit" that I'm missing? It's just a cute outfit, right? 

    I'm pretty sure it's just a cute outfit, but I will want to save it because I'm too sentimental. :)


  • The twins came early and stayed using the nicu for 30 days. They were still in preemie stuff when they came home so I only had sleepers so that's what they came home in. This time I'll have a cute outfit too and hopefully it will fit and I can use it.


  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    I want to, but nothing has jumped out at me yet. Also, I'm not sure what size to buy! Newborn? 0-3? One of each size, just in case?

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

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     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • SS - we're having a home suit??

    That being said, I don't remember what we brought DD home in. It was a last minute thing, they wanted me to stay another night and I didn't want/need to. Like 5 min before "check out" I demanded my paperwork and left. We didn't even wait for the wheelchair escort or anything. I was antsy to get out of that place!
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  • We're not doing anything super special because we didn't do a coming home outfit for my son, and I'd feel guilty doing one for baby girl. We were induced due to IUGR so we brought a couple Carter's preemie outfits. He ended up being 7 lbs, so my husband had to go home and grab a couple newborn outfits. He just brought a couple Carter's outfits, nothing special. And I was so tired that we didn't even take pictures.

    I ordered a little sleeper and hat set from Nordstrom for baby girl and will hopefully take some pictures this time.

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  • JD83JD83 member
    When DD was born she came home in a neutral outfit because I was team green. With DS we just wanted something warm since he was born in Feb. Nothing too special, just a cute fuzzy blue sleeper. For this little guy I'm thinking I will get him a special Eagles outfit to come home in since it will be football season and he needs to learn early just because he is born in MD doesn't make him a Ravens/Redskins fan ;)
    Exact same boat here, different sport though. We're going to do a little Lightning outfit (I'm pushing her out, she's going to rock my team instead of DH's). Flyers are fine, but it will be a cold day in Hell before my daughter becomes a Capitals fan. ;-)
  • I will pick a special sleeper. Nothing fancy. ds's was from target but it said "later gator" and I thought it was so perfect. Haven't found one for this kiddo yet. Thinking of getting a boy and a girl one since we are team green...
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

  • My mom crocheted a sweater, hat and booties for each of the girls to come home in, I'm thinking she'll do the same this time around. At least, I hope so!
    Rainbow baby due in September!
    May Siggy Challenge - Favorite Onscreen Mom
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  • My MIL asked if I had one picked out and I told her that I really didn't have anything special. It wasn't a big deal to me and I'd probably just put him in whatever looks comfortable.

    So she's made him an outfit (that's sort of ridiculous looking) and she's putting it in a shadow box that I'm sure she want hung in his nursery... This will be fun.
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    Married Since December 1st, 2012
    BFP#1 January 21st, 2014  
    EDD September 23rd, 2014

    Air Force Wife, Oboist, Book Lover
    God's timing is perfect! 

  • Not a coming home outfit, but I like to get a new little newborn outfit for each kid to wear as their own and I save them as keepsakes when done. We have lots of neutral newborn stuff since we go team green, and seem nice that they at least get 1 new item.

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    baby #3 arrived in September 2014...cannot get ticker to work no matter what I try!

  • I haven't even thought of a coming home outfit yet. My Due date still seems forever away to me (9/9)
    BabyFruit Ticker  
  • Both kiddos were born late in the year, so we would just pick a *super cute* heavier one piece to keep them warm. DD's was too small (she was 9.2#) and DS's was too big (he was 7.11#). We do have them stored somewhere, not out for viewing pleasure. We did take pictures, but again nothing extravagant. Just, "hey look how awkward our babies are in this ill-fitting ensembles but super cute none-the-less" type of pics.
    We will try for perfect fit this time. :)
    Our darling daughter and sweetheart guy.

    Melissa and Rob, 10/30/08

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    Sept Siggy Fun: Fairy Tales
  • We're doing a take-home outfit, and I've been putting thought into what it will be, but I'm not set on anything yet. It'll just be for pictures, no shadow boxing of any sort.

  • I don't think I'll buy anything special...just pick out an outfit that we already have. I do plan on making a shadow box with things from the hospital...I saw one on Pinterest that I really liked.
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
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  • I take pictures of them being dressed and going home in it, and keep it, but that's about it.
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I bought a take home outfit for DD but I was just so tired and had no energy, so she went home in her hospital shirt. When we got home I put her in a onsite I bought and took a picture. For DS I'll be putting him in his take home outfit and taking a pic.
  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    edited May 2014
    Piggy backing on my previous answer: I want a cute going home outfit that hopefully he can wear more than once, but I won't be doing a shadow box. I do want to do something like this with his hat and hospital bracelet.

    ETA: By outfit I am talking about a sleeper or onsie/pant combo etc.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • As with all my other girls I will find a cute sleeper to bring baby home in. Baby might wear it one or 2 times after that day, then it will be put into a memory box along with the hospital bracelets, the card from the hospital bassinet, the beaded name bracelet that the little old women make for each new baby and a baby sized diaper. One on these days I will buy 4 shadow boxes and do something cute with it (i think)
    I think a whole "outfit" is a pain in the arse. I have seen people buy frilly dresses with out realizing that baby has to be 5-point harnessed into a car seat and that dress is NOT going to look "cute" all bunched up, not ot mention this one in particular was in the winter and poor baby's legs were cold. I have seen boys in jeans, dress shirts, pull over sweaters and hats. Poor baby is NOT comfortable in that. I say keep to something loose, comfortable, cute, and realistic, Its a BABY! 
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  • rlyttlerlyttle member
    DS wore a neutral colored sleeper home. I think we will use the same outfit for this DD. 

  • @JD83 said:
    When DD was born she came home in a neutral outfit because I was team green. With DS we just wanted something warm since he was born in Feb. Nothing too special, just a cute fuzzy blue sleeper. For this little guy I'm thinking I will get him a special Eagles outfit to come home in since it will be football season and he needs to learn early just because he is born in MD doesn't make him a Ravens/Redskins fan ;)
    Exact same boat here, different sport though. We're going to do a little Lightning outfit (I'm pushing her out, she's going to rock my team instead of DH's). Flyers are fine, but it will be a cold day in Hell before my daughter becomes a Capitals fan. ;-)
    noooo! all my locals are hatin' on the caps and skins! and @judyblume14 is a ravens fan. don't i have it bad enough already, being a fan of those teams? :((
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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  • I plan on buying a cute sleeper or pant/onesie set... something comfy for baby. We are team green, so I may buy 2 newborn outfits (one pink, one blue). I definitely want pics and plan to save the outfit, but not sure what I will do with it afterward.
  • We won't be doing any type of super-special outfit.  We'll do something with a cute outfit that we'll take photos of her in but it will also be an outfit we would have her wear again too. Besides that I haven't even begun to think about it yet, lol. 
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • DandelionAZODandelionAZO member
    edited May 2014
    We usually do a new to us outfit for each new baby.  No shame buying used if it's in good condition.  Cute and seasonally appropriate.

    C+C born June 2011

    Surprise! H born Novemeber 2012

    Baby #4 due September 2014

  • DH is a huge music fan. His daily uniform is band t-shirts/jeans/cons. I got our little guy a black Queen onesie (DH favorite band) and a friend of ours who knits is making a knitted pair of booties that look like little Converse hi-tops. I can't wait to see how cute he looks! :)


    Our husbands have the same daily uniform-- er, um "sense of style" :)

    My sister picked up some Converse booties for Boo but I'd love to have a hand knitted pair- how cute! 
  • Can we resurrect this zombie thread? Anyone have any pictures to share?

    I'm going through stuff I bought, trying to decide what to bring. Nothing too fancy, but my problem is I don't know how warm/cool it will be so I'm flip flopping on what she should wear.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    edited July 2014
    I keep looking through my stuff, too. And I just keep saying that I don't know how to dress a newborn (as far as how warm/cool is too warm/cool).

    I'm probably overthinking it.

    ETA: This isn't just a going home outfit issue. I feel like it'll be this way for the first few weeks. I'm assuming I'll figure it out pretty quick once he gets here. For going home, he will probably just be in a sleeper or some cotton pants/onesie layering combo. That way if it's 90 or 50 (which is entirely possible here) we are set.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • kmbk27 said:

    I keep looking through my stuff, too. And I just keep saying that I don't know how to dress a newborn (as far as how warm/cool is too warm/cool).

    I'm probably overthinking it.

    ETA: This isn't just a going home outfit issue. I feel like it'll be this way for the first few weeks. I'm assuming I'll figure it out pretty quick once he gets here.

    Yes. Me too. I have like some cute stuff I worry is too warm and then some that I worry isn't warm enough and the outfit I wanted her to wear lost is probably way too summery.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • @Conradgallagher‌ I'm still in the exact same spot I was in May. We have an outfit but I'm not 100% on it.


  • I'm thinking about getting this from Etsy.  It's cute and not outrageously expensive or bulky.

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