1st Trimester

How much water are you drinking?

W/the first PG my OB told me to drink more than the 8 recommended glasses. ?I find myself thirsty all the time but can't seem to drink a lot of water.
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Re: How much water are you drinking?

  • Me too...I am having a hard time drinking 10 glasses of water in one day.  Sometimes too much water upsets my stomach...I know it is for the baby so I am trying my best to do what I gotta do  :)
  • i have to drink a TON of water to avoid kidney stones (which i got during my last pg)...b ut water gets really boring and makes me feel sick at times.

    i drink lemonade a lot... and apple/orange juice, to - including a few of the sports bottles of water each day.

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  • I had a hard time with water during my first trimester b/c it would make me sick a lot of the time, expecially on an empty stomach.  I tried the best I could and always kept a bottle with me to take sips as often as possible.  Otherwise, fruit, like apples, pears, oranges, clementines, are hydrating if you can stomach it.  Now that I'm feeling much better, I get more than the recommended 8 glasses and it's easy most days. 
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  • I'm trying to drink at least 64 oz a day, but know I don't always. I bought a huge water bottle (holds 74 oz) and will try to drink that throughout the day. I like to cut up limes and put them in my water to give it a little more flavor.
  • I have been drinking A LOT of water, seltzer water and OJ.  I am always thirsty.
  • "Try" for atleast 3L of water per day ( I drank this pre-preg). But...I have given up my beloved Diet Coke and water is getting boring, so I am substituing the DC with Cranberry Juice, Juicy Juice, etc. So, I probably drink about 1 gallon of fluid per day, give or take.
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  • For a while I felt that water was gross. But after having it on ice, i love it!
  • I drink 64-100oz of water per day. It's been easier to drink more as I've gotten farther along in the pregnancy...in the beginning it was a lot harder because water used to trigger my gag reflex. I found hot chocolate and juice to be easier to get down...
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  • my OB says at least 64 ounces a day...but to try for more. I used to drink that easily, but also have a hard time stomaching that much liquid. I also have a hard time getting enough food, so if I drink too much I get too full to eat. I try to always have a cup of water next to me, I seem to drink more when I have a straw...
  • I've been drinking 4 of the 20 oz. bottles, but I'm on vacation. I'm sure once I go back to work on Monday it's going to be a little harder because I have to constantly be going to the bathroom.

  • i never feel like i get enough :(
  • not enough :(
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  • My doc told me I should be drinking a gallon of liquids per day. ?I also live in the desert, so that probably has something to do with it. ?I'm not there yet! Water was very unappealing to me early on, but it's getting better. ?I just force it down!
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  • DH keeps filling up my water glass, so I'm not sure, but I drink a lot. I also take a little cranberry juice (Kundsen's Just Cranberry, no added sugar, very tart) and add a lot of pelligrino and it's delish and keeps UTI's away.
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  • I am really trying to drink a lot.  I find it is easier to do when I am relaxing in the evening and the bathroom is nearby.  I am going to the bathroom SO much that it is hard to keep drinking water. 
  • Drink if you're thirsty.  It's not rocket science.:)  Otherwise you'll never be able to stop peeing. 
  • I def am not drinking as much as I should. I need to though, every day I keep telling myself this. But honestly sometimes I just forget to drink it. I dont drink alot iin general daily anyways.. I need to start drinking wayy more. Maybe then my skin wouldnt look as horrible as it does right now? Ha
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