Seems a bit overly optimistic to me. But its okay to be excited and hopeful right? I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up because there is no guarantee that IVF w/ ICSI will work. But I can't help it, I can't stop daydreaming about actually being pg and buying baby stuff and how we will make room in our house for baby. Its been two years since I've had these thoughts and I'm afraid I'm setting myself up to be devasted. But I know I will be devasted no matter what if IVF fails so I might as well be hopeful for the next few weeks right? Our RE gave us 65-80% chance of success, which seems awfully high but he's the expert right? He wouldn't say that just to mess with me. He's basing that on the fact that I have no issues and our male factor is improving (now at 10 mil/ml, 46% motility and 2% morph). We were doing IUIs at 4mil/ml, 30% motility and 1% morph. I don't know why its going up now that we decided to go ahead with IVF but at least they will have better sperm to choose from. And if it fails we could try a few more IUIs. Anyone else get these high of odds or is my RE too optimistic?
Started TTC January 2007
4 failed IUIs, 2 failed IVFs
2012 - Adopted Child #1
2014- Adopted Child #2
2015 - Fostering Child #3
Check out my infertility turned adoption blog: Discovering Joy In The Storm
Re: 65-80% chance of IVF success??
My RE gave me similar odds. The success rate is MUCH higher than IUI.
My RE gave me these odds as well. I am sure he'll adust your success rates as you go through the cycle depending on how it goes.
It's definitely okay to stay optimistic and hopeful! Just take it one day at a time....
I saw your siggy said your DH had the MFI issue. That's actually great for your IVF chances- though I know it sounds weird. We had the same issue.
Our RE explained that when the woman has the issues, the IVF statistics are lower than when the man has the issues. It made sense- if the doctor does the fertilizing, then the male part is done (so no issue). If the woman has the issues then the same problems arise when they implant the embryo as when she gets pregnant on her own. If they know the woman doesn't have additional problems, the chances of it sticking increase.
I hope I explained that well- it made sense when the doctor explained it to me!
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
We have MFI too and were told 60-65%...but that's only because that's the highest my doctor felt comfortable saying. ?He said in reality, because of how young I am (26), he would put it higher than that. ?He believes very strongly that as long as everything keeps working perfectly, we will get pregnant on the first IVF attempt.
Good luck!!?
Good luck and never hesitate to ask questions on SAIF, because so many of us share similar stories.