My stomach starts to hurt and that is how I know I am hungry. When I have cravings then I feel hungry for that but otherwise I know I am hungry when my stomach hurts. Anyone else have this or am I just wierd?????
Even when you're not hungry it's good to try to munch on some pretzels or crackers to keep the hunger pains (and m/s) away. Even if it takes you all morning to eat a 100 calorie pack, it's better than nothing. Also sipping water helps keep you hydrated :-) Hope you feel better.
I definitely have lack of a general appetite but I know I'm hungry when I start to get a bit light headed. You are not weird. Just be sure to have something with you to stave off the stomach pains.
Re: anyone else feel this way????
It's called a lack of general appetite. There are still times when food doesn't even cross my mind UNTIL I notice that I have hunger pains.
I've felt this a bit. Just start drinking real fruit juice between meals, and at least you will get nutrients when you are not eating.