Welcome to the FUIF Friday Fitness Challenge!
This is a check in for anyone who is trying to get/or stay healthy with diet and/or exercise though the process of IF - Everyone is Welcome - and can join at any time! We will check in every Friday to share our successes and tips, as well as get support when we fall
We set mini goal dates for the first Friday of the month - so our next mini goal date is June 6- Choose any goal you would like meet by that date and post it to your siggy - it can be anything you want to achieve! If you continually work towards your goal - you earn the FUIF badge.. and if you meet your goal you get to add that months "star" to your badge
Congratulations to everyone who earned their badge this month and everyone who earned the May Flowers Sticker! Please add the appropriate Badge to your siggy to show off your success!
Siggy Ticker - To show you are part of the challenge you can add this ticker that counts down to our May 2nd goal date - https://alterna-tickers.com/tickers/generated_tickers/e/eiwtfzu74.png
Challenge of the Week: Let's Get Some Sleep!!! Because recovery is just as important as activity! Set your goal of # of hours per night - or time you will go to bed and this week enjoy your sweet sweet slumber!
Re: ***FUIF Friday Fitness Challenge - 5/9
@runcc37 when is your race? i cant personally relate to what your feeling but im here to listen anytime!
@RunCC37 - Good luck today! I would imagine that's a rough meeting to have. Sending you hugs from afar. (((hugs))) It's good that you're pursuing a lot of different options. I bet one of them will start to feel right soon. Congrats on your race!
@sunshinedaisies000 - (((hugs))) Sorry you had a rough time, too. M's day was pretty sucky for me, so hope yours was better. Good luck with all you have to do!
@tptbabe - Do you have an ER coming up? If so, good luck! Hope things are looking great!
@penad5 - I didn't notice your transfer was coming either! Exciting! Will you be going back to walking?
@geordie314 - Yup, yesterday sucked. I love your positive attitude--things will be better now!
AFM, I'm trying to get back on track on a number of fronts. My parents were well-behaved, but their visits are always stressful bc you never know when they're just going to let loose. Our pup has also been very sick--a flare-up of Lyme's from the racetrack. Better now, but no one has been sleeping well, so the COTW is shot to hell already. I haven't gotten back on a scale in ages, but I wouldn't be surprised if I've gained a few pounds back. I AM in PMS bloat right now, so I'm trying to blame everything on that. I think AF should show this week, which will mean I'll get to start BCP for the next IVF--woohoo! On another happy note, I did achieve a new first, sort of on a dare from my dad: 10 full straight-leg pushups in a row! I've never done that before, so it was big for me.
Well, one of the worst days of the year is behind us, so hopefully everything will get better for us all! FU IF!!!
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
@pblge - Thanks! I just started Estrace last week and should be starting stims this weekend
@runCC37 - WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you're going to do great at the half next weekend! I'll be cheering you on from here!!!
@penad5 - So glad you get to go home! I do love visiting Ottawa (even after living there) and there are so many good restaurants! I don't know that I could have the same kind of self-control to not go a little overboard on the food (Have you ever been to Oh So Good? I have to go there every time I visit!)
Everyone is doing so well!!! I'm so proud of all you guys
Ottawa really isn't a big city to me anymore! (I think Toronto kind of killed that for me.) I loved living there, though I'm sure a posting downtown would have sucked. (I hated having to go down there for anything work-related.) The suburbs are nice, and if you go a little further out, you can even get a little farmland
I would have avoided downtown like the plague on Friday too! Our parade was still pretty big, but nothing like that! Thankfully it didn't turn into a media circus, what with the mayor being MIA and all... (he was "supposed" to be there.)
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
I am having a bad week working towards my goals... I need to get about 45 minutes done before tomorrow's check-in so I meet my goal. I am tired, I don't feel good, I don't wanna. LOL!!! But I know I'll get it done somehow. Maybe I'll do a light core workout before bed, and then do the rest of my minutes tomorrow morning. How late in the day do I have to get my minutes exactly?! Don't tell me or else I will literally wait until the last minute, lol
@sunshinedaisies000 - totally understand the down weeks. (((hugs))) Good luck with your papers!
@RunCC37 - Hope you met your goal!
I'll update on the new thread today when it's posted.
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
---- Siggy warning ------
Me 34 y/o DH 35 y/o
IVF#1 (ICSI)-- April 2014-- MDL with BCP, 5R, 4 ICSID, 3dt with three embryos, 1 six-day freeze (2BA grade)-- BFN
IVF#2.1 (ICSI)-- August 2014: MDL without BCP-- cancelled
Natural IUI on 11/8 -- BFN
IVF#2.2 (ICSI)--Nov/Dec 2014: MDL without BCP, 5R, 1 ICSID, frozen on day 6 (grade 2BB)
FET #1: transferred two 5 (or 6?)day embryos on January 27. Beta #1 (2/4): 158, Beta #2 (2/6): 391 Beta #3(2/9): 1187 BFP!
First u/s at 5w1d showed one gestational sac and yolk sac. Second u/s at 6w showed heartbeat at 102. Third u/s at 7w heart rate 145. EDD 10/15/2015