Parenting after a Loss

Question about Vinegar as Fabric Softener

The baby's clothes are a bit stiff and I want to use vinegar - how do you do it?   Do you put it where the liquid fabric softener normally goes in the washing machine (that center cup)?   Or do you pour it right into the main washer compartment along with the detergent?   How much do you use?
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Re: Question about Vinegar as Fabric Softener

  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup in the softener compartment.  I have a bottle with some lavender EO in it so it smells a bit better than regular vinegar.
  • I have put 1/4 to 1/2 cup just in with the rinse cycle.  When my MIL did some laundry after learning the vinegar trick all our stuff smelled so strongly of vinegar.  I think she put too much in :)
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