Parenting after a Loss

Giving up on the crib - for now.

DD was up every 2 hours last night and I am spent.  The doctor said she could stay in the swing until 4 months which gives me 5 more weeks of decent sleep (in the swing she sleeps from 9-6).  We also cannot do sleep training just yet b/c she does not weigh enough.  I know there are girls on the board who exist on less than 2 hrs. of sleep every day but I cannot do it.  I feel like the walking dead!  I cannot be this tired when I go back to work next week - my kids will tear me apart!  I do have a plan.  I will start decreasing the speed on the swing gradually until she is sleeping in a still swing.  Then we will move to the papasan in the crib and finally the crib.  Ugh...I know I am just delaying the inevitable but maybe my MIL and daycare could start breaking her into the crib.  This is terrible - I am a behaviorist (professionally) for goodness sake!

Re: Giving up on the crib - for now.

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