Hi there! I saw your post about whether Atkins was safe during TTC and wanted to offer my experience since no one else really was able to. I was on Atkins for 4 years and lost 100 lbs (in the first 6 mo, mostly, and then kept it off until I did iVF and got pregnant). Atkins was great for me. I have PCOS and severe metabolic issues in addition to it, and no other diet works at all. I can eat low calorie or low fat until the cows come home and will not lose weight. But, Atkins works.
In addition to losing weight, I also regulated my hormones, my cholesterol went down, I stopped getting cramps before my period, and my anemia resolved itself (and not from eating red meat, I rarely eat that).
I just posted a menu to someone else of things I eat on Atkins. I just went back on it and it's going well so far. I am looking forward to getting back to my old plump, but less plump, self.
At any rate, Atkins is completely fine while TTC and is recommended for many people with insulin resistance or other issues. Good luck!
Re: Soontobehitched07 (SaIF poster)
Sorry, I meant to say that I'd post it if you'd like it. This isn't the be all and end all, but it's some of the stuff I eat frequently... kind of my go-to menu. Feel free to page me on SaIF anytime with Atkins questions

- Omelets with sausage or bacon
- Frittatas with sausage or bacon
- Breakfast burritos made with a low carb tortilla
- Anything from the lunch list if I'm not in a breakfast mood
- Breakfast hash made of eggs, cheese, sausage, and shredded jicama (jicama is a great potato substitute in things like that)
Lunch (I'm lazy and all lunches take 10 mins or less to make):
- Salads with grilled chicken, turkey, hardboiled eggs, tons of veggies, cheese, and blue cheese dressing
- Quesadillas made with a low carb tortilla
- Wraps made with a low carb idea (cold cuts and cheese, egg salad, chicken salad, caesar salad and chicken, whatever you'd normally want on a wrap or sandwich)
- Almost any Chinese, Thai, or other asian food as long as you skip the rice
- Naked burritos (ie everything you'd put in a burrito, but in a bowl... grilled veggies, meats, cheeses, sauce, guac, whatever)
- Grilled keilbasa with peppers and tossed with dijon mustard
- Grilled italian sausage with peppers and mushrooms in marinara sauce, topped with parmesan cheese
- Taco salads
- Buffalo chicken salads
- Buffalo wings!
- Enchiladas made with low carb tortillas
- Lasagna made with spinach or eggplant in place of noodles (this is actually crazy good)
- Stuffed peppers (use meat/cheese/veggies in place of rice or bread crumbs)
- Lots of veggies, but one of my favorites is asparagus coated in melted butter, garlic powder, and seasoning salt then cooked for about 10 mins at 400... my kids LOVE that, too, and beg for it
- More asian foods, skipping the rice... teriyaki, stir fries, thai, etc, etc!
- Most Mexican foods, just skip the rice and sub in a low carb tortilla
- Most Italian foods, just use the low carb pasta (Dreamfields)
- American foods are pretty easy... meat, veggies, skip any carby stuff. Cauliflower mashed up with cream makes a great faux mashed potatoes (really!) and can also be cooked with an awesome cheese sauce to make a decent mac and cheese (or use a penne in low carb form)
- French onion soup in the crockpot, topped with cheese (skip the bread)
- Pot roast in the crock pot, skip the potatoes
Rolled up deli meat with cheese and mayo
Deviled eggs
Hardboiled eggs
Nuts (watch these, though, it's easy to eat way too many)
Cut up veggies with ranch
And, yes, eating like that helped me lose 100 lbs, keep it off, my hormones regulated and my periods became regular, AND my cholesterol went down. I really have no excuse for gaining weight when Atkins is really quite easy
Things to beware of: Only use one low carb product, such as tortillas or pasta, per day or it can slow down weight loss. Eat 3-4 CUPS of veggies per day. Avoid as much processed food as possible, it tends to contain thickeners and such.