
IUI#2=BFN Ladies please help!

Hey girls, Happy New Year.  So I got the dreaded call this afternoon.  I'm pretty bummed.  I know this is only my 2nd try doing IUI w/ injectables and clomid, but I'm losing hope(hormones maybe?)  Do you think we're wasting time doing IUI's or do they actually work?  Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but I'm really emotional this time.

Re: IUI#2=BFN Ladies please help!

  • I am sorry to hear that this did not work for you but I honestly do believe that IUIs do work there are plenty of women on this board and SAIF that are success stories. I believe that whether you continue on this path is up to you only. GL (((hugs))))
  • Your RE should give you some statistics to go on. I do not know what your or DH's diagnosis is, but most RE's will not allow you to do IUIs month after month without discussing other options and stats. However if you are under 30 and unexplained maybe they will let you do more....g/l with your journey! There are def women who have had success with IUI.

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  • My RE recommended 3 cycles of clomid and 3 cycles of injectables, both with IUI.  After 2 IUI's, we decided to continue with TI for a few reasons - my DH's SA was excellent, it was getting to be too much to take time off work to do IUI's and, we are 100% OOP for IUI and we were running out of money.

    Having said that, I absolutely believe IUI's work.  Lots of women have been successful with it.  I'm sure you'll hear tons of success stories if you post this on SAIF.

    Sorry about your BFN and lots of luck to you next cycle.

    TTC #1 w/ endo since Sept 2005. After many losses, a lap, tons of meds and tons of testing and, one failed IVF cycle, we were blown away with a surprise, sticky's a girl!!! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Ugh, I am so sorry to hear about your bfn. I know how you feel, I got my second IUI bfn a couple of weeks ago. For my first two IUIs I also did clomid and injectibles (follistim) and then my RE decided to do just injectibles. She said that this would raise my chances by about 5%. I did 3 cycles of unmonitored clomid too, so I decided that clomid really doesn't do anything for me!

    I hope this next cycle goes much better and that you'll be posting you BFP here soon!!!

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  • Don't give up. I know exactly how you feel, IF is a long and painful journey.  It took us 5 IUI's (1 clomid, 4 with Bravelle) before our miracle BFP last month.  We are completely OOP and planned to transition to shared risk IVF the following cycle.  Hang in there and stay positive.

  • Sorry about your bfn. Bfn iui's are never easy. My re's said that iui's usually worked 1 in 3 times. I got pg w/ iui #3 but it ended as an ectopic pg.

    We're 100% oop so iui's were really our only option. We did a total of 12 iui's, 6 w/ clomid and 6 w/ follistim. He was really shocked that I didn't get pg w/ the next 6 iui's because my numbers and follicles were text book perfect. We're pretty sure that there ended up being some scarring after my ectopic.

    I hope the next one is the one for you. GL!

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  • We are in the process of our 3rd IUI.  The second BFN was the hardest so far.  I think bc you can tell yourself that statistically the first one may not work....but after the second I was sad.  It takes me a few days of being "debbie downer" and then once I know what the next steps are, I plung into planning the next cycle.  that is what usually pulls me out.  we are totally OOP, and have been wondering the same thing as you....are we wasting our time?  I scheduled a F/U with my doc before the endof this cycle to talk about the future and our chances.  I am going to push for a lap I think.  I just believe in my heart--that we are going to be parents.  I just know it.  and you will too.  IUI's are really only a 15-20% success rate.  that is why they say to do 3 of them before moving onto something else.  many women on SAIF have had more than 3 to get their BFP!  It can and will happen!!  GL hon!!
  •      IUI worked for 6 of my friends.  It didn't work for me (4 IUI tries plus 2 IVF).  But 6 friends got pregnant that way so I know it does work.  Don't give up and don't stress yourself more. 

         One of my friends who got pregnant through IUI literally put her legs up on the couch for a week after doing it.  She did nothing but watch movies and eat ice cream so she wouldn't stress during the 2 week wait.  Another friend got massages for a few days before doing IUI and another friend did acupuncture.

        I decided to do the movie watching, sit on your butt route when we went to IVF and you know what?  I got pregnant!    Maybe next time you try IUI, get a massage or something that is relaxing for you.  Take a week off from work and relax.  Whatever makes you feel most at ease!  Just try something different from the last 2 times you did it - it will give you a fresh start and make it feel different for the 3rd time.

        Believe me, I know the roller coaster of emotions you go through every time you hear BFN.  Have a cry and then keep going- you have a lot of nestie support!

    3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
    IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image

  • Thanks girls for all your support.  I had a good cry, a pitcher of white sangria and a great group of girls to vent to.  As of right now we're continuing with IUI's, RE is raising my clomid to 100mg.  But I am going to get a nice massage beforehand to be relaxed(good advice JillAly).  Good Luck to all of you and thanks again!
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