Hi everyone. I am new around here. I have been posting/lurking mostly on BOTB, but thought my question would be better here.
I have been on bc for 11 years and I was diagnosed with mild endometriosis after a lap 10 years ago. My pains have been all month long for the past 6 months and getting worse. There were 2 days last month that I had no pain.
OBGYN reccomended Lupron for 3 months then immediately ttc. Dh and I have never tried on our own and I think I want to give it a shot naturally before taking Lupron. We are on our 1st cycle of ttc. Do you think this is the right decision? I know the effects of endo can vary greatly and am hoping we aren't compromising our chances of concieving by not doing Lupron right away.
I guess what I really want to know is:
Is Lupron as bad as I keep hearing? How succesful has it been for you? Is the pain much better?
Sorry so long.
Re: Lupron questions?
Hi, I was diagnosed with endo and fibroids in Feb. Did your Dr do a ultrasound to see if fibroids were an issue? I will be starting a 4-6 month protocol of Lupron this month and was uncertain whether it would be the right think. I have a fibroid in my uterus so I either had to do lupron or a surgery and I chose Lupron bc we just aren't financially able to ttc right now. I read tons of internet horror stories, but then spoke with many women who have had a positive experience.?
If you don't have any intra-uterus fibroids (which can cause mc or early delivery) then I would think that ttc on your own might be a fine possibility. Hope that helps!?
He did not do an U/S but says based on my history/ pelvic exam/symptoms he is 99% sure it is only endo. We almost started Lupron in December do not have insurance so the cost was also a major factor for us. Especially spending that and then ttc right away. Would rather save that money for the baby if possible.
plus my SIL is Pharmacist and said she has only heard bad stories of side effects. So I was hoping to hear some good experiences.
So lupron will also treat fibroids? I wasn't aware of that.
The Dr said it should treat the fibroids, I just can't do any add-back. You might ask your Dr if you can talk to patients who have gone on Lupron. I had to do a lot of internet searches to find them. I fully believe those stories about the bad effects, but I trust my Dr and he says that if I experience anything too bad, I would just stop taking the shots.?
Did your Dr give you the option of a surgery? I had a lap in Feb and it cleared the endo for a few months. ?
Hi there!
Try to stay away from those websites, they will just freak you out! There are many women out there who get good relief from the depot lupron and they just don't post all over the internet. The biggest hesitation that I would have is if you have reason to believe you have low ovarian reserve/ovulation issues b/c it might oversuppress you but if you have normal ovulation, it is definitely something to consider both for pain control & TTC.
My endo is stage 1 and I didn't have debilitating pain but it was getting worse each month after going off the pill...I never had a bfp and we had no other issues, and my RE suggested doign 2 months depot lupron prior to IVF to address the possibility of the beta 3 integrin protein not being expressed (not sure if you've read/heard anything about that theory). My RE has been using it for years for this purpose w/ success. I read a lot about it & debated b/c I was very nervous about it as well, but decided to go ahead with it & I had minimal side effects also. a couple small hot flashes here & there and maybe 1 or 2 headaches that didn't last long. It is hard to know how you'll react.
Anyway, I got a c/p with IVF#1 right after the lupron and then did an FET this month & have a bfp with strong betas, u/s in 2 weeks, so even though I'll never *know* if it was the lupron that helped me, I believe that it may have!
GL with your decision.
Thanks everyone for the help. My OBGYN did not give me another lap as an option. He believes treating with medications is better.
Dh and I plan to ttc for about 3-6 months (because we have never ttc before) and if no luck(or pain gets worse) then push OBGYN for other options or seek a 2nd opinion. I don't like that he only gave me one option and did no U/S. He did not even want us to ttc for 3 months first. But I do trust him and he is known for treating endo in my town. I do feel better about taking Lupron if need be after your comments.
Good luck to everyone. I am glad to hear I am not alone.