Parenting after a Loss


I"m sorry... I am watching the 20/20 special and I'm finding myself a little nauseated by an 8 year old still breastfeeding...

and the dolls as babies?  each one of those women need psychiatric help...


  • "i want my nummies"... yuck!
  • I'm all about breastfeeding, but I think there is definitely a time to quit. 

    I have to admit, I have a friend who nursed until 20 months and when she came to visit and BF her daughter I thought it was a LITTLE strange when she asked to go "nur nur" but to each their own.

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  • Oh gosh. I am sooo excited to see this. I wish I had an east coast feed! I can't believe I need to wait a few more hours till 20/20 is on here!
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