I have always taken extremely good care of my hair and skin but now that I am pregnant I have this crazy dry scalp and skin that I can not hydrate! I drink tons of water and use lotion and everything.
Anyone else have this or have hair products to help with this? My shiny/silky hair is way out the window now! So much for the pregnancy 'glow'!
Re: Hair/skin question
Everythings went haywire! I have these weird pimples under my chin! They are disgusting! My hair has done the static thing too. We just moved and I thought it was the house until I found out I was PG. My scalp is always flaky and my hair always dead greasy looking. I hate it! I hope it changes soon!
Are we related... I have the same thing going on. Oh and my back feels like a dill pickle. EWWWW!
hilarious! mine too.
LOL...not really, kinda! aahhhh, hormones! I laugh about it then cry cause I don't know what to do! I wish someone knew! Wonder if any 2nd or 3rd tri's would know??
it will likely get better...mine was out of wack at first...but now my skin is better and my hair is shinier.
good luck.
drink lots of water...that helps. also...ojon is good product.