I feel like I've just barged in this board with my nursing strike problems, but I really appreciate your advice! I have tried everything to get my 11 month-old back to nursing during his almost 3-week long strike now. I have read everything on Kellymom and talked to several LCs. The only thing I can't bring myself to do is refuse him a bottle. But I had this idea which I haven't heard anywhere, and I'm wondering if anyone has tried it or what you think... what if I only offer him water in the bottle, do you think he'd go to the breast for milk?
Pumping is just not going to work out long-term for me. My older son has been so patient with me, and I even wake up at 4 a.m. to pump 10 oz., but I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. I know he can go to WCM when he is 1, but I really want him to keep having breastmilk for a while longer. I nursed my older son until he was 17 months with no problem, so I am having a really hard time thinking I won't do the same for DS#2.
Thank you!