
Mastitis, antibiotic question

I have a localized mastitis (aka a nipple infection) and am on antibiotics. I was started on Keflex, but didn't respond, so was switched to Clindamycin. It's got some icky potential side effects for babies (GI upset, yeast) so I've been encouraged to take it right after I feed so it has time to lose some potency before the next feed. That said, should I be pumping and dumping when I pump? I work a few days/week and pump then. I have a large freezer stash. I've had a supply hit with the mastitis, hopefully temporary. TIA.
Natural m/c Oct. 2005

Dx: balanced translocation and LPD

TTC since Oct 2011

BPF 02/19/12, EDD 10/31/12, natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)

IVF (BCPs starting 10/30/12, ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12)
BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, hospital bed rest from 23w-32w due to PTL
Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)

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Re: Mastitis, antibiotic question

  • From what I had read when I took Clindamycin briefly, a very very very small amount actually enters the breast milk.  I was nervous, too, but when I looked it up, I was reassured.  I would not pump and dump.  
    TTC #1 12/2009
    BFP #1 1/2010, M/C 6 weeks
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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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  • casey78 said:
    The pump and dump question is one for the doctor or LC ... or a call to the Infant Risk Hotline (this is what lactmed says:

    If you are not doing so already, I'd start taking a probiotic daily ... and also giving one to LO (I like Gerber Soothe - formerally BioGaia). 
    I'm a big fan of probiotics.  I used them even when not on antibiotics.  I like Gerber Soothe as said by PP.  
    TTC #1 12/2009
    BFP #1 1/2010, M/C 6 weeks
    BFP #2 6/2010, DD lost to
    congenital heart diseasewe are heartbroken.

    TTC #2 4/2011, diagnosed MTHFR, FVL
    Four natural cycles BFN; Clomid IUI BFN; Follistim IUI BFN;
    1/2012 IVF #1 BFN
    4/2012 FET BFP #3
    5/2012 7w1d u/s: anembryonic demise; M/C @ 8w.
    6/2012 found Stage II/III endo on laparoscopy, removed w/ laser.
    8/2012 IVF #2 epic fail: no viable embryos.

    Vacation, break, second opinions, on to new RE.
    1/2013 Surprise chemical pregnancy BFP #4 (break cycle), IVF #3 postponed.
    2/2013 TI w/ hormonal support, prednisone, aspirin, Lovenox, acupuncture gave us a miracle BFP #5!
    Heartbeat on U/S at 6w1d!
    Baby,please stay!!
    Our miracle baby boy arrived 10/2013!  We are so in love!!

    10/2014 Surprise BFP #6
    Our second daughter arrived in May 2015!  We are so grateful!  

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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  • Regardless of what you decide- call your pediatrician and let them know what you are on. I was in contact with my pedi during each change of antibiotics. When they had me pump and dump it was b/c of pus from the abcess as a precaution, not because of the antibiotics. However I did not store any milk during that time so that LO would not be exposed to any trace antibiotics after I stopped taking them.
  • I was on Clindamycin and I nursed while on it. LO's poop was more orange and had a funny smell to it, but she showed no signs of being bothered. You don't need to pump and dump. I think if you put it into your freezer stash ensuring at a later date that it's used with other non-medicated milk on that date then it'll be fine. Just my opinion so it may be good to check with LC if you're having doubts.


    TTC since April 2011. DH Dx MFI in February 2012. BFP #1: 7.16.12. MMC dx: 8.22.12, D&C 8.28.12, TTC Again November 2012. DH Varicocele repair November 2012; Repeat SA showed "dramatic" improvement February 2013 (awesome!)
    BFP #2: 3.26.13, EDC: 12.7.13. Anya born December 9th, 2013!
  • agree with PPs- i would not pump and dump. the antibiotic shouldn't be harmful for your LO as very little actually gets into your milk. dr. jack newman, a breastfeeding researcher, has a great article on mastitis, and specifically mentions clindamycin as being safe to use while nursing:

    also agree with PPs to take a probiotic and/or get probiotic drops for your LO. also try to eat lots of yogurt or cultured foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha).
  • Thanks everyone! The more I thought it through, the more comfortable I felt with it. And Casey, I already spoke to my doc and lc both of whom said it was a comfort level issue. I'll just mark the bags of antibiotic milk so I don't give them all at once.

    Second question - is it normal to have a supply dip with infection or is this a 9 mos pp dip or am I in trouble here?
    Natural m/c Oct. 2005

    Dx: balanced translocation and LPD

    TTC since Oct 2011

    BPF 02/19/12, EDD 10/31/12, natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)

    IVF (BCPs starting 10/30/12, ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12)
    BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
    Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, hospital bed rest from 23w-32w due to PTL
    Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • it's normal to have a supply decrease in the affected breast with mastitis. i would just make sure you rest/nurse as much as possible, and be sure to drink a lot of fluids and eat a balanced diet.
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